MAREN MORRIS: Update On Son Hayes and Parenthood (Audio)
MAREN MORRIS: Update On Son Hayes and Parenthood (Audio)
I’ve found that we are incredibly intuitive, and you can read every book on the shelf about rearing a child, parenthood, pregnancy, delivery, but you know it’s never exactly the plan. Case in point- me, laboring for 30 hours and ending up having to have a C-section at the end. It’s just, you know, just things that you can write up. I’m a planner, I write things down, I like to be organized. You know, it’s life, it doesn’t go to plan. So I think going with the flow has had to be our mantra this year especially, and I think we’re doing pretty ok at it, all things considered. This is the most that my husband and I have ever seen each other cause we’re always touring, and I’m sure we’re not the only ones. I think everyone, even people outside of music that don’t tour, this is the most they’re seeing their partner, the most they’re seeing their kid, all in one go. So we’ve really learned to enjoy each other without having to miss each other, if that makes sense. So that’s been nice, and then yeah learning how to be a parent, feeling like some days you suck at it and then other days you’re crushing it. I think the day Hayes started sleeping through the night was when we were like, “We did it, we made it this far, we’ve kept him alive, he can sleep through the night, feel like we’re parents now.”