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MAREN MORRIS: Routines Are Important

Maren Morris heads out on the road next week on the 15 In A 30 tour with Sam Hunt and Chris Janson. While she’s no stranger to being on stage singing her brand new hit “I Could Use A Love Song,” Maren is still getting used to be a part of a major tour. When it comes to taking care of her self on the road, Maren says “I try to eat healthy, it’s hard especially when there’s really good catering, it’s like ‘oh god this is open for the next 10 hours.’ But I’m a caffeine fiend so I always am just getting coffee and catering and walking around.” Along with Sam and Chris, Maren will have one other very special someone on the road with her this summer, “I’ll have my dog out on the road this year.” But probably the biggest change for Maren on this tour is in transportation, “we have a girl bus and a boy bus this time around so I think we’re going to deck out the girl bus.” In the end with the hecticness that tour life can bring, Maren thinks she knows at least one secret to surviving, “it’s good to have some sort of routines so you don’t go stir crazy.” To find out when and where Maren and the 15 In A 30 tour will be, check out the schedule on Maren Morris dot com, or just click right HERE

audio  Maren Morris shares some behind the scenes secrets of life on the road touring. (:37)
“I try to eat healthy, it’s hard especially when there’s really good catering, it’s like ‘oh god this is open for the next 10 hours.’ But I’m a caffeine fiend so I always am just getting coffee and catering and walking around, and I’ll have my dog out on the road this year and we have a girl bus and a boy bus this time around so I think we’re going to deck out the girl bus and we’ll have our workout routines every day or try as we may (laughs). We’ll really attempt it but I think it being my second full on tour, seeing the same people every day, it’s good to have some sort of routines so you don’t go stir crazy.”