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MAREN MORRIS: No Second Guessing

Maren Morris has her songwriter side, and her artist side, and before her album HERO, the two didn’t meet. Maren admits that she “used to compartmentalize the writer version of myself and the artist version,” but it was the opportunity to merge the two on her own album that really brought everything together for her. It was the whole process “from the conception of a song to the production of it and the mixing of it” where Maren says that everything started to have a seamless flow. When she was writing songs for other artists Maren kept her two talents apart because she would have to find the “voice” of other performers, but with Maren singing her own songs, like her brand new single “I Could Use A Love Song” Maren doesn’t “have to give it a second guess.” To check out where you can see the singer/songwriter in person, head to Maren Morris dot com, or just click HERE

audio  Maren Morris talks about merging her songwriter side with her artist side. (:42)
“I feel like I used to compartmentalize the writer version of myself and the artist version. But just making this record, I feel like they have become one in a way. It hasn’t been me blocking the two. So, from the conception of a song to the production of it, and the mixing of it, I feel like everything is strung pretty consistently. So I don’t overthink which side of my brain I’m using, I feel like everything has been really connected. But before when I was just writing for others to record my songs, I think I thought about that more, Like ‘would they say this.’ With my own stuff, I don’t have to give it a second guess.”