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Maren Morris: Maren And Ryan Hurd’s Journey Together

As Maren Morris and Ryan Hurd are out on the road for their Hero World Tour, Maren and Ryan reflect on how they first met. Maren shares, “We were just paired together as co-writers in a room by our publishers like four years ago.” It has been quite the journey for them as they were able to turn their songwriting careers into touring musicians, but even more important, they were able to turn their friendship into soon to be newlyweds. Ryan shares, “We both started just as songwriters for other artists and had some success doing that but sort of naturally turned it into wanting to tour more and put you know our own voices and names on it and Maren obviously had a huge record last year and this year but its been fun to like change it up and try this part of country music too.” Fans can all appreciate how much they have grown both together and individually, and should look to purchase the last few tickets to their remaining shows.  For more information regarding the Hero World Tour or Ryan and Maren, visit Maren Morris dot com or just click HERE, or Ryan Hurd dot com or just click HERE

audio  Maren Morris and Ryan Hurd share the story of how their career paths led to their relationship. (:27)
Maren: “We were just paired together as co-writers in a room by our publishers like four years ago”
Ryan: “Yeah and I kind of… We both started just as songwriters for other artists and had some success doing that but sort of naturally turned it into wanting to tour more and put you know our own voices and names on it and Maren obviously had a huge record last year and this year but its been fun to like change it up and try this part of country music too.”