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MAREN MORRIS: I Could Use A House

Growing up is hard! Even if you are a CMA, ACM and Grammy award winner. Maren Morris, who recently celebrated her birthday, is taking a big step, that almost everyone sooner or later takes in their life…she’s looking to buy her first house! In between tour stops where she’s singing “I Could Use A Love Song,” Maren is trying to do the things that a 27 year old does. Of course she jokes it’s not as hard as she thought it would be to get through some things in her life…thanks to her business manager! Like everyone, the key is to surround yourself with good people that you trust and that can help you through the busy times in your life. And that’s where Maren is right now, she’s trying to balance her career as one of the hottest new names in country music, along with doing the very basic things of life…like trying to buy your first house. While she hasn’t found “the one” yet, Maren’s looking, and understands that, no matter who you are, if you work hard to get to that point in their life where you can find a place to settle down, it’s a very validating feeling.

audio  Maren Morris talking about growing up, trying to balance life, and looking for her first house! (:60)
“Yeah, I think it’s not as hard as I anticipated…I mean thank god for business managers (laugh), but yeah, I definitely think…I don’t know, your early 20s are the hardest because you’re still coming out on these teen years where you don’t know who you are, and you’re figuring yourself out. I think now that I’m 27, which is still young, I’m not super wise by any means, but I certainly know who I am now, and I think if you have good people, good team members around you everything is palatable, and you can do it. There’s growing pains too, with every thing. I’ve never own a house , so I don’t even know if I’m going to own this one I’m looking at, but I’m excited to get into that phase of my life. It’s like you work  your entire life to get to do these things, and when you finally hit a spot where you can, it’s just real validating.”