Maren Morris: “I have a couple of favorites, but the one that I’m excited for everyone to hear is called “Hell Is An Island.’ And it’s just a really unexpected turn from what you think it will be about. The title is just so mysterious and when you hear it, I don’t want to give anything away but it’s just very jammy and you just want to like hear it at a festival and rock out. But it’s, it’s also just a brilliant lyric, but I’m jealous.”
Ryan Hurd: “Thank you.”
Maren Morris: “I’m jealous I wasn’t a writer on it. That’s the ultimate compliment.”
Ryan Hurd: “I’m glad that’s your favorite, that’s one of mine too.”
Ryan Hurd’s debut album ‘Pelago’ is out now- Click HERE for Video & Audio parts

Media Contacts:
Allen Brown
Sony Music Nashville
[email protected]
Cami Operé, Reid Kutrow, Asha Goodman or Carla Sacks
Sacks & Co.
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