LUKE COMBS: Vision for Christmas in 2020 (Audio)
Question: What’s your vision for Christmas? Any big Christmas memories that stick out for you?
Luke Combs: You know, I think this year will be… I don’t know if it will be any different than any other year, I guess, that we’ve had. Hopefully I have, you know, both sets of our parents in town and my wife’s sister I think. That’s usually what we do, you know, keep it small. My mom’s side of the family always has a big Christmas party in Charlotte and me and my wife always go to that every year too. Couple traditions, that’s really it, we like to keep. I think. You know, I grew up, we were always very family oriented in that sense when it came to the holidays so I have a lot of fond memories of growing up with my cousins and hanging out with my grandparents and my aunts and uncles. That’s the thing I think I look forward to most about the holidays. It’s not getting gifts or getting drunk, which is also cool, but I think just hanging and seeing people you haven’t seen in a while and catching up with them I think is what I look forward to the most.