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Luke Combs’ “This One’s for You Too” (Deluxe Edition) – Cut by Cut

Luke Combs’ “This One’s for You Too” (Deluxe Edition) – Cut by Cut

Luke Combs’ “This One’s for You Too” (Deluxe Edition) featuring 5 new tracks is available now and here is Combs’ sharing his stories behind each of the new tracks


Luke Combs’ “This One’s for You Too” (Deluxe Edition) – Cut by Cut Beautiful Crazy

‘Beautiful Crazy’ is a song I wrote when I had first met my girlfriend and it’s been one of my favorite songs for a long time.  It was just kind of a way for me to tell her how I felt about her and I’m excited that people love it.

Luke Combs’ “This One’s for You Too” (Deluxe Edition) – Cut by Cut Houston, We Got a Problem

‘Houston, We Got a Problem’ is a tune that I wrote my first time in Texas.  I had just met my girlfriend and I love Texas a whole bunch, but she wasn’t there.  Thus, the title ‘Houston, we got a problem.’

Luke Combs’ “This One’s for You Too” (Deluxe Edition) – Cut by Cut Long Way

Yeah, ‘Long Way’ is just a tune that’s kind of about I guess being young a little bit and how everything seemed, I guess, bigger than you know.  Everything was so monumental you know that you did back then and that was a really cool feeling and I just wanted to kind of try to capture that in a song.

Luke Combs’ “This One’s for You Too” (Deluxe Edition) – Cut by Cut Must’ve Never Met You

This song is called ‘Must’ve Never Met You.’  I wrote it with my band leader Rob and my buddy Jonathan Singleton.  And, I think everybody always has advice when you break up with somebody and the say ‘oh well, you’re going to be better off by yourself anyways’ or you know, ‘there’s a lot of fish in the sea’ and sometimes that just not what you want to hear whenever somebody breaks your heart and that was the idea for this tune.

Luke Combs’ “This One’s for You Too” (Deluxe Edition) – Cut by Cut She Got the Best of Me

‘She Got the Best of Me,’ I wanted to revisit this song.  This is a song I wrote when I was in college and put out on an EP… and, I felt like it didn’t really have a chance to reach everyone that I feel like it could impact and… Everyone has had that person that takes a little bit of them when they go and that’s kind of where we came up with the idea for this tune.