The reason I go with the deluxe is it doesn’t feel like it’s been long enough to put out a full thing. I don’t know if this is the year to be putting out a big album release either. You know, I’d much rather do things like this in person, go and do the TV appearances, and the fun stuff that comes with an album release. I always viewed as a fan, I always felt like the deluxe sometimes falls victim to people thinking – like I’d hear it and go, “these are just some extra songs that weren’t good enough to make the album.” So I always wanted my deluxe to be different, we wanted to go into the studio that is as good as, or better than the stuff that’s on the original album. Because I always wanted to show the fans that I was growing as a musician and as an artist. I didn’t want it to seem like, “well he’s just sitting back trying to make an extra couple dollars off of us.” I want them to know, this is a real thing, we’re in the studio, these are songs I’ve written since this last album came out, that I’m excited about. There’s always new stuff on the way, and I think that’s a good way to be able to do both. You almost get to release an EP on the end of your last album, en-route to your next major release.
That was the first song that I wrote here in my new house that we moved into, I guess over a year ago now, I wrote that with some guys that I’m really good friends with, Drew Parker and Rob Williford, I had that idea kind of going around in my phone and we just knocked it out that day, we knocked it out good. I was kind of in that mood of “we just moved into our house that’s going to be our home for a long time together, so I was just kind of in that moment, in that state when we were writing that song, and I’m glad that I feel like we did a great job on it.
It’s obviously an honor to be nominated, I think a little bit unexpected, but I am excited, I’m glad to be there and that my group of my peers think that I’m good enough to be in that conversation. Obviously I think everybody in that category would tell you they would love to win, as would I, but I think it’s fine to not win as well. I would be totally fine with that. Just being there and being nominated is really cool, and I know people always say that, but winning would be great, and losing would be fine too.