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LUKE COMBS: Super Proud Parents

One of the best parts about Luke Combs‘ success and the rise of his smash hit “Hurricane” is Luke’s ability to share the experience with his parents. Luke is close with his mom and dad, and  he says “my parents are super proud and I’m just happy to make them proud. That’s all I kind of set out to do.” Mom and Dad Combs are sure to be super proud again when Luke’s debut album, This One’s For You, arrives in stores and online Friday June 2nd. To check out the video for Luke’s top 5 hit “Hurricane” head on over to Luke Combs dot com, or click HERE

audio  Luke Combs talks about sharing his recent success with his parents. (:35)
“It’s been a cool thing. It’s definitely been awesome and my parents are still…my dad is super laid back. Man, he is real cool about it and he tries to act a little bit cooler about it than I think he is. He is definitely super proud and mom is just over the moon, she just can’t contain her excitement. She always says (adding an accent to his voice) ‘I never imagined you’d be a country star’ and all of that stuff. Sorry mom for the fake accent by the way. But that is kind of what it is, my parents are super proud and I’m just happy to make them proud. That’s all I kind of set out to do.”