“Hurricane” singer Luke Combs is past the trick-or-treating phase of his life, but now-a-days he likes to be prepared for kids when they come around. Luke had nothing but good intentions last year when he had a bag of candy to hand out, but now looking back on it, he might have been making himself happy with his choice of treats. Luke loves caramel apple suckers, and was all prepared to give them away to all the trick-or-treaters that knocked on his door. The problem is, he only got one kid…while Luke gave him five of the suckers, he was left with the rest of the bag. Which, Luke jokes, he might have been “little bit guilty of subconsciously of buying those and knowing I’d get to eat all of them if I bought them.” For more information about Luke, head on over to his website Luke Combs dot com, or just click right HERE
Luke Combs shares his experience of over buying candy for Halloween. (:45)
“Man, you know what I love…and I can’t believe I thought of this, I love those caramel apple suckers, man. Those things are great and, they get all stuck in your teeth and everything. I don’t know why I like ‘em so much but I always loved those as a kid. You don’t see those too often. I remember last year I bought a bag and I was like, I lived in an apartment complex at the time, and I’m like ‘y’know I’m gonna get a bag of these because the trick-or-treaters are gonna love these.’ I had one trick-or-treater, and I gave him like five, and then I had this whole bag (laugh), and I think I knew when I bought’em, no ones gonna come trick-or-treating in my apartment. (laugh) So, I think I was a little bit guilty of subconsciously of buying those and knowing I’d get to eat all of them if I bought them. (laugh)”