Luke Combs: Combs’ car history and how he prefers to spend his Combs’ cash (Audio)
I sold the Neon to a friend whose dad needed a car. I sold it to him for a thousand bucks. I’m glad I did, cause his dad didn’t have a vehicle and really needed one. Everyone’s like, “Man I bet you wish you kept that thing,” I mean not really. I kind of hated that car to be honest with you. Everyone said I looked like Donkey Kong in Mario Kart driving that thing around. I saved up money, and I had like a bank bag that I bought at Staples that had like a key lock on it, you know like the zipper cash bag? And so I would play my shows, and I kept any extra cash that we made after I paid everybody, I’d just put it in that bag and I saved up enough money to buy a 2015 Ford Fusion. It was one year old at the time, had 30,000 miles on it. I think I paid $16,500, like literal cash in an envelope for that car. And about a year later I bought a brand new King Ranch F250 and gave the car to my mom cause she needed a new car. My mom still drives that car to this day. I gave my dad a Chevelle for Father’s Day, 1969 Chevelle, white with a blue interior. So those are the things that I enjoy spending my money on is things that make people happy. I don’t need a lot of stuff. I’ve got a great house, got a great family, got great friends, and stuff to me is that, it’s just stuff. Eventually I’ll get sick of it, eventually I’ll sell this watch cause I’ll get bored with it and probably want another one, and I’m ok with that. You can’t buy a good family and good relationships, so I try to do things with my money that help the people that have helped me.