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LUKE COMBS: All It Takes Is A Title


As a songwriter Luke Combs understands that the inspiration for a song can come in many forms, sometimes it’s just thinking of a potential song title, and then working it from there. That’s the story of how his single “Hurricane” was formed. Luke arrived for a songwriting session and simply threw out the title “Hurricane,” and after brainstorming with his fellow song writers Thomas Archer and Taylor Phillips, “Hurricane” not only became a song, but was tapped as Luke’s brand new single.

audio  Luke Combs remembers the writing process for his song “Hurricane.” (:36)
“I had thrown this title ‘Hurricane’ out in the room, and it was just kind of floating around, and so we were just talking about friends, and and Nashville, and stuff like that…I don’t know who it was somebody got to talking about they had a friend that was dating somebody, and they had broken up, and was like they both lived in Nashville. If you’ve ever been here you know you run into everybody do you ever met just going out one night, and I guess their buddy was saying ‘Man I just don’t want to go out I don’t want to see her’ you know kind of thing because they had broken up and I said ‘Man let’s merge this idea with this title ‘Hurricane’ I had thrown out’.”