Logan Mize is bringing the good times to the airwaves with his new single, “Can’t Get Away from a Good Time,” and in writing the song, Logan says that he and co-writers wanted to capture that sense of fun of an unexpectedly great day. (AUDIO INFO BELOW)
- MusicRow magazine writer Robert K. Oermann is among those who are big believers in Logan Mize, with a recent review of “Can’t Get Away from a Good Time” saying, “I loved this guy when he was an indie act. His graduation to the major leagues is a good-natured, smiling bopper with personality to spare.”
- The digital single for “Can’t Get Away from a Good Time” is available now on iTunes.
- You can get to know more about Logan and check out the lyric video for “Can’t Get Away from a Good Time” on his official website, LoganMize.com.
Logan Mize talks about the feeling behind his single, “Can’t Get Away from a Good Time.” (:21)
“I’ve had plenty of those Saturday mornings where you’re at home, you know, it’s a beautiful day out, and you’re out messin’ around in the yard, piddlin’ doin’ somethin’, and one thing turns into the next. And those are always the funnest types of days, and that’s kind of what we were tryin’ to capture with the lyric was just one of those days that you didn’t really plan. It just kind of evolved into bein’ one of those days where you go to bed that night, and you’re like, ‘That was a really good day.'”