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LEVON: The Name Game

“Ms. Marianne” is performed by Michael David Hall, Ryan Holladay and Jake Singleton form the group Levon. A group name you should remember, because as Michael shares, it’s not as easy as you’d think coming up with the name, “It’s really hard to get a band name now-a-days they’re all taken.” The guys knew they wanted a name that would also convey the type of band they were, and the sound they were looking to achieve, so Micheal says that they thought about their mutual musical influence, Levon Helm, “we were originally called The Helm, like his last name, and that had to change because we found out there was like 18 other bands with that band name and we had 30 minutes left of this drive on the way to this radio station in Muscle Shoals it was Big River Broadcasting and we had no band name and with like 20 minutes left in the drive someone shouted Levon.” The guys loved it, because not only did honor Mr. Helm, “it was short and sweet which kind of is… we’re a lean and mean band that loves to play acoustic and can thrive in that type of scenario so I think having a name like Levon that kind of makes people think of 70’s and harmonies and being able to do it live it’s a cool name to have for us.” Now you can check out Levon singing their debut song “Ms. Marianne” at Levon The Music dot com, or just click right HERE

audio  Michael from Levon shares the story behind coming up with the name of the band. (:51)
“It’s really hard to get a band name now-a-days they’re all taken so this was…we were originally called The Helm, like his last name, and that had to change because we found out there was like 18 other bands with that band name and we had 30 minutes left of this drive on the way to this radio station in Muscle Shoals it was Big River Broadcasting and we had no band name and with like 20 minutes left in the drive someone shouted Levon and it was short and sweet which kind of is… we’re a lean and mean band that loves to play acoustic and can thrive in that type of scenario so I think having a name like Levon that kind of makes people think of 70’s and harmonies and being able to do it live it’s a cool name to have for us.”