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LEVON: The Fridge, The Shower and Bedtime–Secrets To Songwriting

The guys in Levon didn’t have to go further than an experience leader singer Michael David Hall had while working in a restaurant for writing their first single called “Ms Marianne.” The trio worked up a rendezvous Michael had with a customer he was waiting on, and developed what they joking call their “cougar anthem.” But they admit songwriting doesn’t always happen like that. Jake Singleton shares where he gets some of his writing ideas from, “Definitely, 99 percent of the time it comes to you organically. Not trying to force it, whenever we’re occupied with something else, I get a lot of ‘shower’ ideas for songs. (laugh) Probably most often there, then anywhere else.” Ryan Holladay also gets his ideas for songs when he has a chance to settle his mind, “I find the time that I have most ideas, are that…right before you go to sleep. Where your brain is just kind of wandering, and you kind of drift off to these weird places. There’s usually some pretty fun song ideas in that time.” When he’s not getting inspiration from dates, Michael admits sometimes it can be just the mundane stuff that leads to writing, “Most of the time I feel like some of the best ideas have come, from, like, opening the fridge, and not expecting, not trying to look for an idea at all. Just doing the most random stuff.” Well, for a reenactment of the situation that led Levon to write “Ms Marianne,”  check out the band’s Facebook page for the music video, or just click right HERE

audio  The guys in Levon share where musical inspiration can strike for song ideas. (:43)
Michael: “Most of the time I feel like some of the best ideas have come, from, like, opening the fridge, and not expecting, not trying to look for an idea at all. Just doing the most random stuff.”
Jake: “Definitely, 99 percent of the time it comes to you organically. Not trying to force it, whenever we’re occupied with something else, I get a lot of ‘shower’ ideas for songs. (laugh) Probably most often there, then anywhere else.”
Ryan: “I find the time that I have most ideas, are that…right before you go to sleep. Where your brain is just kind of wandering, and you kind of drift off to these weird places. There’s usually some pretty fun song ideas in that time.”
Michael: “Good stuff right there, yeah”