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LEVON: Part Of The Creative Phase

Fans are loving Levon‘s debut single “Ms. Marianne”– just one of the tracks from their self-titled EP that was released back in May. Michael David Hall, Jake Singleton and Ryan Holladay pride themselves on the fact that their music connects with fans because their songs are very personal to them, “A lot of our songs we really really relate to because we’ve written all but one track on our album.” Michael says that fans can learn a lot about Levon’s musical tastes by checking out their EP, “it shows different sides of the band whether it be the youthful side or like more emotional kind of heart break side.” The guys work hard to create a distinctive sound–an effort that starts even before they start singing, “Writing and being a part of that creative phase is really important to us and the authenticity of the band, you know, we want people to know that we created this music.” You can check out Levon’s music video for “Ms. Marianne” at Levon The Music dot com, or just click HERE

audio  Michael from Levon talks about the personal element of their songs, like “Ms. Marianne.” (:28)
“A lot of our songs we really really relate to because we’ve written all but one track on our album, and it shows different sides of the band whether it be the youthful side or like more emotional kind of heart break side I think…. Writing and being a part of that creative phase is really important to us and the authenticity of the band, you know, we want people to know that we created this music.”