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LEVON: Introducing Levon

There’s a new song on country radio called “Ms. Marianne,” from the brand new band Levon–an energetic trio that brings the smooth and groovy vibes of the seventies to life through various harmonies and sounds. Levon consists of Michael David Hall, Jake Singleton, and Ryan Holladay, who together strive to use their talent of developing impressive harmonies to create one voice. With Michael in the lead, Jake handles the high harmony, with low harmony going to Ryan. With trying to capture the spirit and sound of the harmonies of 70s music, the guys also turned to the same decade for some band name inspiration according to Michael “Levon Helm from The Band from the 60’s and 70’s is a big inspiration of ours. As is the Elton John song…Both good 70’s references and big inspirations to us and we just liked the vibe that it had. We really wanted people to hear the name Levon and immediately get that 70’s vibe and its short and its sweet and we’re kind of like the three member band. We’re lean and mean so I think the name is really appropriate for us, for our sound and for our character.” Although Jake does admit that the name was a last minute choice, “We discovered our name or decided our name on the way down to a radio show…We basically had half an hour left of the drive to decide what our name was so that we could tell the people at the radio what our band name was.” You can check out their debut single “Ms. Marianne”–which is one of 5 songs that they released on their self-titled EP earlier this year, and for more info on the guys, head to Levon The Music dot com, or just click HERE

audio  Michael and Jake from Levon share how they came up with the band’s name. (:54)
Jake: “We discovered our name or decided our name on the way down to a radio show. Actually it was a couple years ago before we found Ryan in Birmingham, Alabama. We basically had half an hour left of the drive to decide what our name was so that we could tell the people at the radio what our band name was”
Michael: “Levon Helm from the band from the 60’s and 70’s is a big inspiration of ours. As is the Elton John song (sings) ‘Levon, Levon likes his money’. Both good 70’s references and big inspirations to us and we just liked the vibe that it had. We really wanted people to hear the name Levon and immediately get that 70’s vibe and its short and its sweet and we’re kind of like the three member band. We’re lean and mean so I think the name is really appropriate for us, for our sound and for our character.”