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LEVON: Filming A Music Video? No Sweat!

The guys in Levon look great in their music video for their song “Ms. Marianne.” The video which shares the visual story that is told in the song had the guys in a couple of locations in a couple of different outfits, and while they make look cool in attitude and clothes, Levons’ lead singe Michael David Hall says that they were anything but cool during the films of the video. Michael shares, “In music videos you gotta wear cool clothes, well they had us out…it was like 90-something degrees. We were wearing jackets over long sleeve shirts, over t-shirts. The layers that it takes to make you look music video ready…it’s a lot of layers, and I was sweating through all those layers.” Michael does admit though that the last location shot of the video was a pleasant and welcomed surprise, “By the time we got to pool shot, it was the end of the day, he’s (the director) was like ‘we got one shot’ and I’m like peeling my clothes off my body, like ‘oh, what’s next,’ and he’s like ‘you gotta jump in the pool and drink a beer.’ I was like ‘sign me up! It felt so good doing that at the end of the day.” Ryan Holladay agreed that the switch to the pool was a highlight of shooting the “Ms Marianne” video on a hot day in Nashville, “It didn’t take much convincing. I was sweating through my stuff, and I sweat maybe half the amount that Michael does on a regular basis.” While Michael and Ryan both had their sweating issues, they shared a fact about band mate Jake Singleton, “Jake’s a robot. He doesn’t sweat.” We’re pretty sure they’re kidding.
If you want to see the guys doing their thing in the video for “Ms. Marianne” just head to their website, Levon The Music dot come, or just click HERE

audio  The guys in Levon share a little behind the scenes secret from their music video for “Ms. Marianne.” (:55)
Michael: “In music videos you gotta wear cool clothes, well they had us out…it was like 90-something degrees. We were wearing jackets over long sleeve shirts, over t-shirts. The layers that it takes to make you look music video ready…it’s a lot of layers, and I was sweating through all those layers.”
(Jake and Ryan both laugh)
Michael: “By the time we got to pool shot, it was the end of the day, he’s (the director) was like ‘we got one shot’ and I’m like peeling my clothes off my body, like ‘oh, what’s next,’ and he’s like ‘you gotta jump in the pool and drink a beer.’ I was like ‘sign me up!'”
(Jake and Ryan both laugh)
Michael: “It felt so good doing that at the end of the day.”
Ryan: “It didn’t take much convincing. I was sweating through my stuff, and I sweat maybe half the amount that Michael does on a regular basis.”
Michael: “Jake’s a robot. He doesn’t sweat.”
Ryan: “Jake just doesn’t sweat. We were all just pretty soaked that day. So, whenever we heard we had to get in the pool, it was very welcomed by all of us.”