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LEVON: Date And Write A Song About It

People love country music because there’s truth to be found in the stories that make up the songs…in the case of the song “Ms. Marianne,” there’s nothing but truth, because it really happened. Levon‘s debut single came from an experience that its lead singer Michael David Hall had while working at a restaurant. Michael shares the story, “Really, it formed out of being a server in Nashville, Tennessee in a place called Wild Ginger…where one day I really hit it off with this older woman, and she asked me out on a date for some bourbon the next night. Canceled the other plans that I had. Went on the date. It was an awesome time, and we wrote a song about it, it’s called ‘Ms Marianne.'” For more details on what happened to Michael in his tale of “Ms. Marianne,” check out the video for the song, which includes Michael and his fellow Levon band mates Ryan Holladay and Jake Singleton, at their website, Levon The Music dot come, or just click HERE

audio  Michael from Levon shares the truth behind their new single, “Ms. Marianne.” (:25)
“Really, it formed out of being a server in Nashville, Tennessee in a place called Wild Ginger…where one day I really hit it off with this older woman, and she asked me out on a date for some bourbon the next night. Canceled the other plans that I had. Went on the date. It was an awesome time, and we wrote a song about it, it’s called ‘Ms Marianne.'”