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LANCO: Uniting Behind The Music

LANCO knows what their job is when you go to see them in concert. When the guys take the stage and sing their song “Greatest Love Story,” they have one mission in mind, lead singer Brandon Lancaster shares “I think as an artist, as a performer, and as a band, you definitely feel a responsibility to make people not just have a good time.” Brandon also says that it’s not just about a good time, it’s also the fact that music can have a very powerful affect on people, “one of the most fun things that we do…is knowing that every night, you have a chance to go out, walk on that stage and unite people behind music. Unite them behind these ideas, and unite them behind these words that we’re singing, and just unite them behind having a good time, and loving each other…and creating moments, and creating memories that they can look back on the rest of their life.” You can check out the guys working their magic on stage by checking out their tour dates at LANCO music dot com, or just click right HERE

audio  Brandon from LANCO shares what goes through the band’s minds when the guys take the stage. (:49)
“I think as an artist, as a performer, and as a band, you definitely feel a responsibility to make people not just have a good time, but music really unites people, and it’s one of the reasons you get into music, music unites people, it helps you escape, it takes you to this place that almost nothing else on this planet can do, and when you are the creators of music and you’re bringing the music to the people, you have a responsibility to give them that escape, and to be untied behind that music. So, that’s one of the most fun things that we do…is knowing that every night, you have a chance to go out, walk on that stage and unite people behind music. Unite them behind these ideas, and unite them behind these words that we’re singing, and just unite them behind having a good time, and loving each other…and creating moments, and creating memories that they can look back on the rest of their life.”