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LANCO: Super Excited

LANCO‘s drummer Tripp Howell describes the feeling the band got after first playing “Greatest Love Story,” “I can remember the first time we got in…we were rehearsing and Brandon brought this song to us and he was still kind of working on it but we were like man let’s try it anyways. Let’s just run it and see what happens. He started playing it and we all kind of fell in and when we got done we were all just kind of quiet for a second cause like man this song is super special.” “Greatest Love Story” was written by LANCO’s lead singer, Brandon Lancaster, but every member of the band is not shy to admit how special this song is to them. “It’s just a great song, it’s one of those we are proud to contribute to country music with. We’re excited about this one.” If you want to hear the guys perform their new single in person, check out their tour schedule on LANCO music dot com, or just click right HERE

audio  Tripp from LANCO describes the feeling the band got after playing “Greatest Love Story” for the first time. (:36)
“We’re super excited about the song ‘Greatest Love Story’ it’s a special song man. I can remember the first time we got in…we were rehearsing and Brandon brought this song to us and he was still kind of working on it but we were like man let’s try it anyways. Let’s just run it and see what happens. He started playing it and we all kind of fell in and when we got done we were all just kind of quiet for a second cause like man this song is super special. That felt great. Then we went and played it fifteen times again. It’s just a great song, it’s one of those we are proud to contribute to country music with. We’re excited about this one.”