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LANCO: Still The Greatest

People are falling in love with LANCO‘s new single “Greatest Love Story”–in fact some are even using it in their weddings. The guys knew they had a great song on their hands when lead singer Brandon Lancaster brought the song that he wrote to the rest of the band. LANCO bassist Chandler Baldwin shared that when it comes to “Greatest Love Story” “for the years of us playing it  and recording it, it’s pretty much the same as when we play it that first night of rehearsal. I just think that’s a testament to the song itself.” Chandler also says that social media also helps the guys stay in touch with fans, and their reaction to the song ” It’s kind of taken a life on its own. We get comments on social media all the time of people saying ‘That’s my story! That’s mine and my boyfriend’s story or my girlfriend’s story, my wife’s story’ So that’s really special to us to know that it’s resonating with so many people. People are using it for their wedding songs, which is awesome. So, I’m just excited for even more people to hear it, if it were to reach more people.” If you want to experience hearing “Greatest Love Story” in person, check out the band’s tour dates at LANCO Music dot com, or just click right HERE

audio  Chandler from LANCO talks about the band’s single “Greatest Love Story.” (:47)
“One thing I think is really cool about the song ‘Greatest Love Story’ is that from the years of us being a band, we’ve learned a bunch of songs, written a bunch of songs, recorded those, thrown some out, changed them in the studio, but one things that’s pretty cool about this song is that it’s . . .  for the years of us playing it  and recording it, it’s pretty much the same as when we play it that first night of rehearsal. I just think that’s a testament to the song itself. It’s kind of taken a life on its own. We get comments on social media all the time of people saying ‘That’s my story! That’s mine and my boyfriend’s story or my girlfriend’s story, my wife’s story’ So that’s really special to us to know that it’s resonating with so many people. People are using it for their wedding songs, which is awesome. So, I’m just excited for even more people to hear it, if it were to reach more people.”