Sometimes when you’re trying to make it in the music industry, it’s great to call home and share some stories or news from the road with family. Eric from LANco agrees with that–but as he’s sharing news about the band, their shows, and their debut single “Long Live Tonight”–he’s also getting reports from the home front. Like when Eric’s parents shared the news about them selling their house…a lot happens when you’re not at home…sometimes home even gets sold.
Eric from LANco says that calling to check in from the road goes both ways–he can share what’s happening with the band, and his parents share their news too. (:34)
“It’s always great you know to call and give that report to home, you always find a lot of love and support there, and they’re always excited for you. Those are the people that’s gotten you through all these years of you know grinding and grinding and have always been there supporting you so you know to be able to finally deliver like some success and some good updates and things are going really awesome is just really satisfying. You can also get an update on what’s going on there you know, like for instance my parents right now just sold her house and so they’re in the process of moving…and getting the day by day of that. So, it’s always really cool.”