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LANCO: Name Game

You’re loving LANCO’s new song “Greatest Love Story,” right? But you’re still wondering…what is a LANCO? Well, wonder no more…to get the answer to where the band LANCO got its name…you don’t have to go much further than the band’s lead singer Brandon Lancaster. Brandon explains how the band’s original name got shortened to the current form by friends. “The name of the band stands for ‘Lancaster and Company.’ My name is Brandon Lancaster and so when I start putting the band together, I didn’t necessarily want to be a solo thing, I wanted to be a band. So, we kind of started going under the name ‘Lancaster and Company’ and then our friends started calling it LANco, and we started calling it LANCo, and it rolls off the tongue a little easier. So, we just went with LANCO.” For all things LANCO, simply head to LANCO Music dot com, or just click HERE

audio  Brandon from LANCO explains the origin of the band’s name. (:21)
“The name of the band stands for ‘Lancaster and Company.’ My name is Brandon Lancaster and so when I start putting the band together, I didn’t necessarily want to be a solo thing, I wanted to be a band. So, we kind of started going under the name ‘Lancaster and Company’ and then our friends started calling it LANCO, and we started calling it LANCO, and it rolls off the tongue a little easier. So, we just went with LANCO.”