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LANCO: Lively Thinking

LANCO is building a reputation of not only creating great country music, like their song “Greatest Love Story,” but having an awesome live show that fans are flocking to see. LANCO guitarist Eric Steedly says that the thought of how will their songs impact their live show is considered right from the start of the music’s creation, “I think that it kind of starts with the way that we create our music. When we write our music, we write it as a band, and then it becomes this arranged in a certain way that really communicates how we are live. We’re always thinking about that, ‘how will this translate live? How will this work?” To see where the guys will be performing their songs made for the stage next, head to LANCO Music dot com for tour dates–or just click right HERE

audio  Eric from LANCO shares that the guys make music so it can be performed live. (:16)
“I think that it kind of starts with the way that we create our music. When we write our music, we write it as a band, and then it becomes this arranged in a certain way that really communicates how we are live. We’re always thinking about that, ‘how will this translate live? How will this work?”