Life out on the road can be a tough grind for musicians. So, when they get off from touring, and have a day free to themselves, what’s the one thing they want to do…well, if you’re Brandon Lancaster, the lead singer of LANco, you want to do laundry, and binge on some Netflix shows. Brandon admits that he always dreaded doing laundry, but now when he’s on the road playing show after show, the only thing he wants to do when he gets home is unpack the dirty clothes and start washing. And it looks like Brandon is going to have even more dirty clothes as the guys have added a bunch more festival dates this summer where fans can hear their debut single “Long Live Tonight.” To check out LANco’s tour schedule, head on over to their website, LANcomusic dot com by clicking HERE
Brandon from LANco describes what he would do with a day off. (:29)
“You know we don’t get many days off, but if I was going to have one day off…I usually try to do something that I never thought I would dream of doing, which is laundry. (laugh) If I get one day off on the road I usually have a pile of laundry from being on the road that I need to take care of, and while that’s happening I will do some serious Netflix binge watching. (laugh) I’ll find a show that I’m behind on because I’ve been out on the road, and watch as many episodes until I pass out, and wake up and my laundry is hopefully done. (laugh)”
Brandon from LANco says that his relationship with laundry has changed. (:10)
“To me laundry was always something that I dreaded, but now it’s like I’m on the road and I kind of can’t wait to get back and take all these dirty clothes that are in my suitcase and throw them in the washer and get clean. (laugh)”