Hey, we’re LANCO and this is our new single RIVAL.
We’re LANCO and that was our new single RIVAL.
Brandon Lancaster: When we were writing the song we were talking about things we had gone through in our life and things we had gone through as a band even and realizing that it was something bigger than just us, it was something that everyone goes through. This feeling of no matter what you are trying to do in life you are going to go through moments where you feel like maybe people aren’t in your corner or they aren’t rooting for you. And, we just wanted to write this anthem that people could rally around to remind them that no matter where you come from or what you are doing you know, be proud of that and that you are special and that you rumble and you roar and if there is anyone that wants to stand in your way and doesn’t believe in you that is alright. Chalk them up as a rival and use it as motivation to get what you want in life.
Tripp Howell: The song RIVAL came about when I had this drum beat in my head. We have this little studio in our back lounge and I went back there and laid it down. I had this melody and Brandon walked in the back and I just showed it to him and he had this idea and we started talking it out and before you know it, it was like 6 am and we had written rival in the back of the bus.
Brandon Lancaster: We wrote this song and the next day we were doing sound check and we brought it to the band and we all kind of added in our own flavor to really solidified as a LANCO song.