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LANCO: Greatest Netflix Series Soundtrack

LANCO‘s song “Greatest Love Story” is brand new to country radio, but for sharp-eyed…and sharp-eared…fans of the original Netflix series The Ranch, it will sound very familiar. The Ranch, starring Ashton Kutcher, and Sam Elliott, uses “Greatest Love Story” in Episode 9–titled There Goes My Life. The song is playing subtly in the background of the scene, and then gradually gets louder closing out the episode and the credits. LANCO’s lead singer Brandon Lancaster says that getting asked for the song by Netflix was a “surreal experience,” he remembers “when I got a phone call that Netflix was going to use ‘Greatest Love Story’ in one of their shows. And I didn’t have any details, I just knew they were going to use it in a show and I actually found out from friends before I found out from anyone in the industry. I found out from friends that they were hearing it in The Ranch  and then I had to go check it out myself.” Heading to Netflix wasn’t a big deal for Brandon who admits that he’s a big Netflix junkie. If you want to be a LANCO junkie–check out their website LANCO Music dot com, or just click right HERE

audio  Brandon from LANCO recalls when the band’s song, “Greatest Love Story,” was used in the Netflix series The Ranch. (:51)
“It was a surreal experience when, I remember when I got a phone call that Netflix was going to use ‘Greatest Love Story’ in one of their shows. And I didn’t have any details, I just knew they were going to use it in a show and I actually found out from friends before I found out from anyone in the industry. I found out from friends that they were hearing it in The Ranch  and then I had to go check it out myself. And I watched the full episode. I started watching the show and then got to that episode and I kind of wanted to see it in its entirety. And it was just so cool because knowing that you created something that is relevant to not only to your life and fans life, but even a scene in a TV show. That really speaks volumes that you truly can be the soundtrack to not just somebody’s life but literally a soundtrack on a television show or movie or whatever it is. So that was a really really cool experience for us.”