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LANCO: Greatest Advice I Ever Got

The guys in LANCO are working hard to make their dreams come true. They’re crisscrossing the country performing their latest single “Greatest Love Story.” And all the effort and hard work that put in, might be because of advice that was handed down to them from their dads. Lessons and advice handed down from fathers to sons can be an impressionable moment in a child’s life, so the guys of LANCO share the advice that their dads shared with them…Eric Steedly says that “My dad did the various things he did when we were growing up. Working on the farm, working on the house and everything. Cars, Projects… One thing he always taught me, and my mom used to get so aggravated because things take a while when you do this but…always do something the right way. Don’t cut corners and seriously do it the right way because if you don’t you’re going to have to go back and patch things up, fix things  and you just wasted time.” Band mate and LANCO lead singer Brandon Lancaster noted “That is funny because that is Eric, and geez did you listen.” Jared Hampton shared the lesson that stuck with him, “”I think one thing that was important to me that stuck with me that my dad taught me was whatever you do whether it’s your homework, which was tough for me. Whether it was music, whether it was sports, do your best, give all you have because you’re not going to look back and regret saying, ‘I gave it all.’ You know, you will look back and regret, ‘aw man if I had just given it a little more. If I had tried a little bit harder.’  I think that’s relative to me know. Be the best musician you can… learn and grow and observe. That’s really stuck with me.” Drummer Tripp Howell said the lesson his dad shared with him serves him particularly well now that he’s in the music business, ““My Dad always used to say ‘it’s not the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the dog.’ and that’s kind of…with this career, that’s been held pretty true. We want it really bad, and we’re working hard for it and are not going to stop.” Brandon’s dad went another route with career advice, ““My Dad always said ‘don’t pursue music, and there’s no way it’s going to happen, so I’ll pay for you to go to business school’.” Chandler Baldwin shared his dad’s words of wisdom, “My dad always told me that men don’t use straws.” Leaving Jared to recap, “Man we went some dynamic directions here, along the line… we got some tear jerkers and we got straw man.” After going for the laugh, Chandler later shared the real advice his dad gave him, “My dad also told me, ‘if you’re aggravated, or someone says something to you, before you say anything you need to count to ten, think about what you’re going to say before it leaves your mouth, cause you can’t take it back.” Our advice to you, is to head to LANCO Music dot com so you can see the video for “Greatest Love Story”–or just click right HERE

audio  Eric from LANCO shares some advice he learned from his dad, and band mate Brandon agrees that he still uses that advice to this day. (:30)
ERIC: “My dad did the various things he did when we were growing up. Working on the farm, working on the house and everything. Cars, Projects… One thing he always taught me, and my mom used to get so aggravated because things take a while when you do this but…always do something the right way. Don’t cut corners and seriously do it the right way because if you don’t you’re going to have to go back and patch things up, fix things  and you just wasted time”
BRANDON: “That is funny because that is Eric, and geez did you listen.”

audio  Tripp from LANCO shares the advice his dad gave him that has helped in his music career, Brandon follows with his dad’s advice…maybe not so helpful for music. (:22)
TRIPP: “My Dad always used to say ‘it’s not the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the dog.’ and that’s kind of…with this career, that’s been held pretty true. We want it really bad, and we’re working hard for it and are not going to stop.”
BRANDON: “My Dad always said ‘don’t pursue music, and there’s no way it’s going to happen’ (LANCO laugh) ‘so I’ll pay for you to go to business school’.”

audio  Jared from LANCO shares his dad’s advice that stuck with him, while fellow LANCO member Chandler shared…well, not so much advice…he kind of just shared. (:53)
“I think one thing that was important to me that stuck with me that my dad taught me was whatever you do whether it’s your homework, which was tough for me”
(LANCO laughs)
JARED: “whether it was music, whether it was sports, do your best, give all you have because you’re not going to look back and regret saying, ‘I gave it all.’ You know, you will look back and regret, ‘aw man if I had just given it a little more. If I had tried a little bit harder.’  I think that’s relative to me know. Be the best musician you can… learn and grow and observe. That’s really stuck with me.”
CHANDLER: “My dad always told me that men don’t use straws.”
(awkward silence followed by Tripp and the rest of LANCO laughing)
JARED: “Man we went some dynamic directions here, along the line… we got some tear jerkers and we got straw man”

audio  After going for the laugh, Chandler from LANCO shares a helpful piece of advice his dad shared with him. (:10)
CHANDLER: “My dad also told me, ‘if you’re aggravated, or someone says something to you, before you say anything you need to count to ten, think about what you’re going to say before it leaves your mouth, cause you can’t take it back’.”