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LANCO: Capturing Some Magic

LANCO‘s latest single “Greatest Love Story” is not only gaining fans of the song, but those fans are then incorporating it into their lives as “their song,” LANCO’s Jared Hampton thinks that’s because of the song’s “magic.” Jared says it all started from the beginning, “I really think back to when we recorded it in the studio and it was really cool because we really captured some magic and every night we get to go out and play this song and see people react to it and let them feel that and it’s so cool because there’s really something intangible about singing that to people and watching the just smile ear to ear when we sing that song.” You can check out the guys working their magic on stage by checking out their tour dates at LANCO music dot com, or just click right HERE

audio  LANCO’s Jared Hampton talks about the band’s song “Greatest Love Story.” (:27)
“When I think of our new single, ‘Greatest Love Story’ I really think back to when we recorded it in the studio and it was really cool because we really captured some magic and every night we get to go out and play this song and see people react to it and let them feel that and it’s so cool because there’s really something intangible about singing that to people and watching the just smile ear to ear when we sing that song.”