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LANCO: An Origin Story

LANCO‘s path to it’s song “Greatest Love Story” started with a chance meeting at a festival in Tennessee a few years ago. LANCO drummer Tripp Howell shares the story of how playing a music festival with a different band led to him meeting Brandon Lancaster, and knowing that Brandon was someone he wanted to connect with, “We were actually both playing in different bands at this festival in Tennessee, close to Chattanooga. We had just rolled up in our van and trailers, getting ready to unload, and his time slot was right as we pulled up. I heard this guy go, ‘THETAPALOOZA!!’ Just loud, just like monstrous…And I looked out (laughed) and there were probably like four people there and I was like, ‘Dang that’s awesome, he’s going for it.’” It was Brandon’s enthusiasm helped make the connection, but it was their love of music that brought the guys together to form the band, “we just started hanging out after that. I was moving to Nashville the same time he was so we became friends and talked about music a lot. And then one day he was like, ‘Why don’t we just… I’ve got these songs, I’ve been wanting to put a band together. Let’s start working on this.’ And I was like, ‘alright!’.” Now Tripp, and Brandon, along with fellow LANCO band mates Chandler Baldwin, Eric Steedly, and Jared Hampton, are now on the radio with their latest song “Greatest Love Story.” To see the video for the song head to LANCO music dot com, or just click HERE

audio  Tripp from LANCO shares the story of first meeting band mate Brandon. (:44)
TRIPP: “We were actually both playing in different bands at this festival in Tennessee, close to Chattanooga. We had just rolled up in our van and trailers, getting ready to unload, and his time slot was right as we pulled up. I heard this guy go, ‘THETAPALOOZA!!’ Just loud, just like monstrous.”
BRANDON: “Because that was the name of the festival.”
TRIPP: “And I looked out (laughed) and there were probably like four people there and I was like, ‘Dang that’s awesome, he’s going for it.’ And you know, we just started hanging out after that. I was moving to Nashville the same time he was so we became friends and talked about music a lot. And then one day he was like, ‘Why don’t we just… I’ve got these songs, I’ve been wanting to put a band together. Let’s start working on this.’ And I was like, ‘alright!’”