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KIX BROOKS: The Eagle Has Landed

Kix Brooks had a really good feeling about his song, “New to This Town.” It was a last-minute addition to his upcoming solo album — an album that Kix thought was finished, until “New to This Town” came along. But when Kix thought the song was finished, that’s when he got the word that it sounded like a hit, but it could really use an Eagle — in the form of Joe Walsh — to help it soar. (AUDO INFO BELOW) 

  • You can pick up a copy of “New to This Town” at your favorite digital music store, including , on iTunes.
  • Kix is about to head out for a week of California and Nevada shows beginning this Thursday! Look for him in concert, with info anytime at

KIX BROOKS: The Eagle Has Landed  Kix Brooks explains how Joe Walsh came to play on Kix’s single, “New to This Town.” (1:35)
“It’s really funny how Joe Walsh got involved because I had actually gotten this record finished, and I’m thinkin’, ‘Man, this may be a single. I really like how this has turned out.’ And Lonnie Napier who does my radio show, he walks in and goes, ‘Man, that sounds like a hit,’ and I go, ‘I hope you’re right,’ and he goes, ‘You know what it needs is like some Joe Walsh-soundin’ slide on it, though.’ And I wanted to blow him off, and I thought, ‘You know for once, he’s right.’ (laughs) And it just so happens that my manager is partners with Irving Azoff, who manages The Eagles. And I ran down there and said, ‘You think Irving would like to hear this song?’ He goes, ‘You should play it for him.’ So I sent it to him, and sure enough, a few minutes later, I get a e-mail back: ‘Sounds like a hit!’ And I sent him one right back. I said, ‘Enough of a hit you might call Joe about it?’ And so, seriously, about 10 minutes later, I get this phone call, and it’s Joe freakin’ Walsh! You know, he goes, ‘Dude, I love this song! I wanna play on it!’ I go, ‘Are you kiddin’ me?! You’re Joe Walsh!!’ Anyway, he was rehearsin’ with Paul McCartney at the time, and he said, ‘I’m over here; I’m a nervous wreck — I gotta play with McCartney.’ I went, ‘He should be a nervous wreck playin’ with you, dude! You’re the king of slide guitar!’ And he was nice enough…he went home, I sent him the tracks the way modern-day technology works these days, you know, and had it back, gosh, like two days later, and there you have it. Got the greatest slide-guitar player in the world on my dadgum record.”