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KIX BROOKS: Hard Workin’ Man

Kix Brooks is one amazingly busy guy…between promoting his cool new single, “New to This Town” — the first from his upcoming solo album that he produced — he’s got his own radio show, he’s got a winery in Tennessee, he’s playing tour dates, and in some ways, that’s just the tip of the iceberg! But whatever he’s doing, Kix says he feels very fortunate that he gets to do work that he loves — with a little time off for the occasional vacation. (AUDIO INFO BELOW)

  • You can pick up Kix’s single, “New to This Town,” online, including , on iTunes!
  • Visit to find out where he’ll be on tour, as well as where to see him in Nashville during next week’s CMA Music Festival!

KIX BROOKS: Hard Workin’ Man  Kix Brooks says that he loves his work, and he does find a little time-off now and then, even vacationing with his former musical partner! (:52)
“I like bein’ busy. I mean, there’s nothin’ I do that I don’t just love doin’. I really…I’m just one of those guys I wake up in the morning and go, ‘Oh, I’ve gotta do so-and-so, so-and-so, so-and-so. This is gonna be fun!’ (laughs) I really do! I look forward to all this stuff. And I…yeah, I take a vacation every now and then. Actually, as crazy as it sounds, my last good one was to Bora Bora with Reba and Ronnie Dunn of all people, so yeah, we got all our families together, Kelly Clarkson…there was a pretty good group of us that went down there and got a boat in the islands, and yeah, I’ll chill out every now and then, but honestly, I’m like Reba, too: I never have as much fun as when I’m workin’. My work is fun. I mean, look at what I’m doin’! Are you kidding?! You know, playin’ music and makin’ wine…really?! (laughs) That’s what most people do for hobbies, you know?”