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KIX BROOKS: Back to the Present

Kix Brooks may have enlisted the support of the great Joe Walsh for his single, “New to This Town,” but Kix kept it a little more in-house for the song’s new music video. Turns out that Kix was chatting with his son about coming up with an idea for the concept of the video, and an hour later, Kix tells us, his son had exactly what he needed — and it turned out great. (AUDIO INFO BELOW)

  • The music video for “New to This Town” makes its premiere this Friday as part of CMT’s Big New Music Weekend of hot clips and premieres airing throughout this weekend’s regularly scheduled video blocks. And you can also check it out online beginning Friday on!
  • Be sure to take advantage of those repeat airings this weekend because Kix says you’ll need ’em! (AUDIO INFO BELOW)
  • “New to This Town” is the first single from Kix’s upcoming album! You can pick up a copy of “New to This Town” at your favorite home for digital music, including , on iTunes.

KIX BROOKS: Back to the Present  Kix Brooks says that his son originated the concept for his music video for “New to This Town.” (:60)
“My son studied film and screenwriting — that’s really all he wants to do — at Vanderbilt. And I had the song, and actually we were just sittin’ in the kitchen watchin’ a ball game, and I said, ‘Man, I gotta come up with a good idea for this song,’ and said, ‘See if you can come up with somethin’,’ and about a hour later, he came down with this great treatment. And basically, it made perfect sense because the title is I wish I was ‘New to This Town,’ so he wrote this treatment backwards. It’s like, the only way to be new to this town would be to turn back the hands of time, so it’s this story of love and heartbreak, and it not only plays out in reverse, but we filmed it backwards, and I’m moving forward through this love story that’s in reverse.”

KIX BROOKS: Back to the Present  Kix Brooks says that it took some film magic to bring to life his video for “New to This Town.” (:42)
“Well, everybody’s gonna have to watch it at least five times to figure out what in the heck they are lookin’ at. (laughs) Because you get…there’s what’s goin’ on on your first view, and it’s amazing to look at because, to film things in reverse and then reverse ’em, and we had to do these performances several times with green screen behind ’em so that they could all be layered on top of each other to make this work. Technically, it was pretty complicated and some pretty tedious business. A lot of patience involved. But now to look at it, it’s really interesting, and it turned out great, and I’m excited about it.”