With just a few weeks until the launch of Kenny Chesney‘s No Shoes Nation Tour on March 16th, Kenny is flying high on the airwaves with his smash single, “Pirate Flag,” and Kenny says that he feels like “Pirate Flag” is a song that could be a kind of anthem, not just for the No Shoes Nation fans who come out to see him in concert, but for anyone who just feels a little need to rebel. (AUDIO INFO BELOW)
- “Pirate Flag” is the first huge single from Kenny’s upcoming April 30th album release, titled Life on a Rock.
- Earlier this week, Kenny revealed the album cover art for his Life on a Rock album — you can check it out, as well as look for a No Shoes Nation Tour date near you, online at KennyChesney.com!
- You can pre-order Kenny’s Life on a Rock, right here, on Amazon.
Kenny Chesney says that his song, “Pirate Flag,” is a kind of rallying cry. (:57)
“When I heard ‘Pirate Flag,’ I thought about No Shoes Nation, and this song could be a rallying cry for No Shoes Nation — and anybody’s who’s ever had just a little too much hassle in their life. Maybe it’s too cold. I mean, we’re seein’…you know, this winter’s been bitter cold, or maybe you work too hard, or you know, you just feel awful. This song — for me — whenever I’m in a bad mood, I crank it up. And I think it’s one of the things that is the kind of song that has really built the relationship with me and the fans out there — the people that built No Shoes Nation in the first place. And ‘Pirate Flag’ is that kind of song that anybody who’s just a little over it — maybe a little bit over whatever it is in their life that’s weighin’ ’em down — that they can embrace. It’s a way of pushing back. It’s almost like a rebellion from whatever is goin’ on in your life that doesn’t really set well with you.”