Congrats to Kenny Chesney and his duet partner P!nk on having the number-one song spot for the second week in a row! “Setting The World On Fire” is some of the new music that can be found on Kenny’s Cosmic Halleljah album which came out on Friday. Kenny loves finding new music to record because of the energy it brings to his albums, and then eventually, his live shows. But new music is a tricky thing, Kenny admits that “I can sit and listen to previous records and go ‘wow I don’t know if I would record that song now’ or I can take songs that I recorded for Cosmic Hallelujah and I’m not sure that I would have recorded those songs three or four years ago.” So, far though it seems like all the songs he picked for Cosmic Hallelujah seem to be right where they need to be.
Kenny Chesney talks about discovering new music for his albums. (:62)
“Well new music is very exciting because it brings new energy. You know every project has its own energy if you will. I mean it really does. I mean I can sit and listen to previous records and go ‘wow I don’t know if I would record that song now’ or I can take songs that I recorded for Cosmic Hallelujah and I’m not sure that I would have recorded those songs three or four years ago. I might, but my life’s just moved along. It’s in a different place and I think that’s what’s so great the scope of you know especially when you’ve been making records like I have for a while. You get to really see where your life was and where it is now and hopefully I mean if you do it right, you know what you record and what you write shows how you’ve moved forward in your life and that always is a very exciting thing and especially for our live element new music is just new energy and I love feeling that new energy up there.”