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KENNY CHESNEY: Live! In No Shoes Nation – Available Now!

Kenny Chesney‘s brand new album Live! In No Shoes Nation is available now! This collection of music is from the live performances that Kenny has captured during his concerts over the last 10 years. So, this year, as Kenny had a lighter tour schedule, he actually time to go through all the hard drives that contained all this material, “The process of putting this record together allowed me to reflect a lot on the last decade because it does move by fast, life goes by fast, shows go by fast, all these years have gone by year after year after year and me taking this year off the road and allowing myself to go back and relive some of these moments just made me feel so great about what we’ve all built together, it made me so proud of our fans and it made me feel really really great that they care about this music so much to come to these shows every night and I can’t wait for them to hear themselves on this record because it’s really special.”
The deeper Kenny got into making this live record, he says the more it energized him, “I started going through hard drives from shows over a year ago and the one thing that struck me, the one thing that I thought about over and over again was just how wonderful the crowds sound, and the more I listened, the more I got excited about the idea of this live record. The more I listened also, the more I realized how much I loved being up there in that moment, and feeling that energy and that love and shared connection with my fan base. And over the last year I have gone through so many songs so many shows and was able to pick some of the best moments, some of the moments that really stood out to me that really showed that connection and where you could really hear it and I just fell in love with this project I fell in love with the idea of all of us reliving it again.” While Kenny was glad he had the time to work on a project like this, but he discovered the more he listened to his recorded performances, the more it made him long for being back out on the road, “This time in my life I felt like was needed and I’m really glad that I took it because it did allow me to put together this really special live album that really defines my audience and defines what we all built together and the process of listening to all these songs really did make me miss the experience and make me miss the road I was reminded of how great it is and I was reminded of that connection and I was reminded of how much they care and how much fun we all have and that’s what this live record is. There’s a lot of heart on the live record, there’s a lot of love on this record and there’s a lot of fun. And I’m really glad that I took this time to go back and really listen, all of these songs, years of hard drives because during that process I was reminded of how much heart you guys have and I was inspired all over again listening to all this music and listening to everybody give to us and it made me miss it so much and in a way it just re-energized me it fed me whatever it was that I was needing to feel, it did it and I can’t wait to get out there and feel that again.” Of course when he does get back on the road, we imagine that Kenny has his own version of the live record he made for himself, “I don’t have my own version of this live record, I have a lot more songs that are mixed that won’t make this live record so yea I guess I do have my own version, I have a playlist of a bunch of songs we mixed that didn’t make this record for a lot of different reasons I mean there was pacing, or we couldn’t get the audience to sound just perfect or there was a lot of wind in the mics or whatever reason but yea we mixed a lot of songs for this record, so I bet we mixed 70 songs you know and different versions of different songs but yeah I’ve got a lot of music that’s mixed that only the certain few will hear for sure.” Kenny finally shared the real secret to having all the material he needed for the Live! In No Shoes Nation album, “Oh we learned five years ago to record every single second cause you never know what’s going to happen. (laugh)” Kenny Chesney’s new album Live! In No Shoes Nation is on sale now, and tickets for his Trip Around The Sun tour are available as well. Head to Kenny Chesney dot com for more info, or just click HERE

audio  Kenny Chesney shares that making his album Live! In No Shoes Nation made him long for the road. (:59)
“I started going through hard drives from shows over a year ago and the one thing that struck me, the one thing that I thought about over and over again was just how wonderful the crowds sound, and the more I listened, the more I got excited about the idea of this live record. The more I listened also, the more I realized how much I loved being up there in that moment, and feeling that energy and that love and shared connection with my fan base. And over the last year I have gone through so many songs so many shows and was able to pick some of the best moments, some of the moments that really stood out to me that really showed that connection and where you could really hear it and I just fell in love with this project I fell in love with the idea of all of us reliving it again.”

audio  Kenny Chesney talks about the process of making his Live! In No Shoes Nation album. (:39)
“The process of putting this record together allowed me to reflect a lot on the last decade because it does move by fast, life goes by fast, shows go by fast, all these years have gone by year after year after year and me taking this year off the road and allowing myself to go back and relive some of these moments just made me feel so great about what we’ve all built together, it made me so proud of our fans and it made me feel really really great that they care about this music so much to come to these shows every night and I can’t wait for them to hear themselves on this record because it’s really special.”

audio  Kenny Chesney appreciated the time off the road he had this year to put together his Live! In No Shoes Nation, but in making the album, he realized how much he missed being on tour. (1:13)
“This time in my life I felt like was needed and I’m really glad that I took it because it did allow me to put together this really special live album that really defines my audience and defines what we all built together and the process of listening to all these songs really did make me miss the experience and make me miss the road I was reminded of how great it is and I was reminded of that connection and I was reminded of how much they care and how much fun we all have and that’s what this live record is. There’s a lot of heart on the live record, there’s a lot of love on this record and there’s a lot of fun. And I’m really glad that I took this time to go back and really listen, all of these songs, years of hard drives because during that process I was reminded of how much heart you guys have and I was inspired all over again listening to all this music and listening to everybody give to us and it made me miss it so much and in a way it just re-energized me it fed me whatever it was that I was needing to feel, it did it and I can’t wait to get out there and feel that again.”

audio  With the access he has to the library of music that he’s collected, Kenny Chesney must have his own version of his new live record. (:38)
“I don’t have my own version of this live record, I have a lot more songs that are mixed that won’t make this live record so yea I guess I do have my own version, I have a playlist of a bunch of songs we mixed that didn’t make this record for a lot of different reasons I mean there was pacing, or we couldn’t get the audience to sound just perfect or there was a lot of wind in the mics or whatever reason but yea we mixed a lot of songs for this record and only thirty made it so I bet we mixed 70 songs you know and different versions of different songs but yeah I’ve got a lot of music that’s mixed that only the certain few will hear for sure.”

audio  Kenny Chesney shares the secret to collecting all the performances he has recorded in concert. (:05)
“Oh we learned five years ago to record every single second cause you never know what’s going to happen. (laugh)”