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KENNY CHESNEY: Coming to a Big Screen Near You!

Kenny Chesney is hitting the big screen with Kenny Chesney: Summer in 3D! The concert film is Kenny’s first, and it’s only in theaters for a limited run for the next two weeks. The footage was shot over six nights in five cities — Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Seattle, Boston, and Indianapolis — and it was captured with 22 3D camera rigs, so you can get closer to Kenny Chesney than ever before! Kenny is really excited about how interactive the movie feels, and he thinks it will give fans a whole new perspective of his live concert. The country superstar takes the relationship he has with his fans very seriously, and because he wanted to make sure this movie provided them with something they never had before, Kenny was very hands-on with the entire production of Summer in 3D. (AUDIO INFO BELOW)

  • Kenny’s hot new single, “Ain’t Back Yet,” is part of the movie in a big way — and Kenny feels the song describes his life story better than any other song he’s ever recorded. (AUDIO INFO BELOW)
  • You can find “Ain’t Back Yet” on Kenny Chesney’s second Greatest Hits collection, out now. 

KENNY CHESNEY: Coming to a Big Screen Near You!  Kenny Chesney explains why he’s excited about his movie, Summer in 3D. (:28)
“The coolest thing for me about this film is it really shows the relationship and the love affair that I have between me and the fans. In a way that I’ve never seen it. And what’s really exciting for me is it’s in a way that they’ve never seen it. They never get to see it from my perspective. I’ve always felt like, you know, like even in the middle of a song, I would go, ‘Wow, I wish these people could see what I see, and feel what I feel,’ and they get to now.”

KENNY CHESNEY: Coming to a Big Screen Near You!  Kenny explains that fans will get to see his show like they never have before, thanks to the movie. (:22)
“Not only do they get to, but I get to see it from their perspective, because we got cameras everywhere, and it’s…that’s the thing that got me excited the most is because not only are the fans there at the show, but people that go see this movie, they’re gonna be a part of the band almost. They’re gonna be on stage. And it’s really, really interesting to see that.”

KENNY CHESNEY: Coming to a Big Screen Near You!  Summer in 3D just doesn’t have Kenny’s name on it — the country superstar was involved with the entire movie-making process. (:35)
“I was incredibly involved in this film. Not only am I in the film, obviously, but I made the film. I was editing the film. I was in the marketing meetings. I was in art direction meetings. I was, you name it, I was there. And so that has consumed my life since I got off tour last year. So I hadn’t really had a mental break yet. But I’m incredibly proud of what we’ve created, I’m incredibly proud of what the film says, I’m incredibly proud that we’ve documented this part of our life, you know, and it will be there forever.”

KENNY CHESNEY: Coming to a Big Screen Near You!  Kenny Chesney talks about capturing the footage and seeing the fans have fun. (:41)
“We’ve been playing these football stadiums for what, six years now, I think. And every one’s different. Every crowd is different. And so the movie was filmed in six different cities. But to see it all come together, and see how much fun these people are having, and see the passion on their faces. ‘Cause I see it in a certain area, but wow, man, I was just so taken back by how much people care, and how deep this relationship runs with them. It’s interesting to see that in this film. To see how much they really care about it.”

KENNY CHESNEY: Coming to a Big Screen Near You!  Kenny says even longtime fans will get something new out of seeing Summer in 3D. (:16)
“People that have, you know, especially the people that have been a part of our life for a long time, and come to a lot of shows…the thing that excites me the most, that they’ve never seen it like this. It’s gonna be like seeing it brand new all over again, and I love that.”

KENNY CHESNEY: Coming to a Big Screen Near You!  Kenny talks about “Ain’t Back Yet” — which is featured in his movie, Summer in 3D. (:24)
“When I heard ‘Ain’t Back Yet’ it really…it described my life, and my journey, more than any song that I’ve ever had, and it really described the thread of the film, because it does show the journey, but not from one CD to the next. It shows the journey of my, me on the road, a long time ago, and everything I’ve been through to get to this point.”

KENNY CHESNEY: Coming to a Big Screen Near You!  Kenny says “Ain’t Back Yet” is his story to a “T.” (:45)
“’Ain’t Back Yet’ is just a song kind of about chasin’, in my opinion anyway, was a song about chasin’ your dream. And when I first heard this song, it reminded me a lot of a guy leaving east Tennessee with all his stuff in the back of a truck, and I was gone chasin’ my dream, and I’m not back yet. You know, I actually think, I’ve said this before, that I think my family thought this music thing was somethin’ that I was gonna do for a couple of years and then realize it wasn’t gonna work, and then come back, you know? So I’m not back yet. And that’s what that song’s all about, you know? And I really love the edginess of it. I think it’s gonna be a lot of fun to do live. And so, and like I said, I think it defines and describes what the movie’s about, what my journey’s been about to a ‘T.'”

KENNY CHESNEY: Coming to a Big Screen Near You!  With the release of Summer in 3D, does this now mean Kenny Chesney is a movie star? (:31)
“I been asked a lot now, you know, of course, people are goin’ to the movie theaters and seein’ my poster up, and they’re goin’, ‘Well, you’re a movie star now.’ I say, ‘N-n-n-no I’m not.’ Nowhere close. I don’t want to be. And that’s been the big question, you know, ‘Are you gonna do more movies?’ Well, no, I’m not really makin’ a movie. We just documented what I do. You know, I don’t aspire to do that. So one thing this film has taught me: that it’s a lot of work to make a film, and I really love makin’ music more.”