Kenny Chesney‘s new single “Noise” is not only racing up the music charts, but it’s also giving fans something to think about. The man from East Tennessee has a message about technology. Kenny believes that we have so many devices that we use, and are such a big part of our lives, that it’s rewiring our brains, and changing the way we think, and…wait, Hold on, I gotta check my phone…
Oh, Kenny may have a point…
Kenny Chesney talks about the devices that are creating the “Noise” in our lives. (:35)
“We have all these devices that have changed our way of thinking, it’s rewired our brains and now we’re lost it seems in this cloud of trying to communicate and multitasking all this addiction to communicating in all this addiction to information. It just seem like it’s gotten so loud, and so busy, and I think a lot of what’s drowning things out is just the sensational stuff to get us hooked. Because it seems like that we’re all drawn to either chaos or a carnival, you know, that’s noise in itself.”