Kelly Clarkson is climbing the country charts these days with her new song, “Tie It Up,” and Kelly says that part of what makes the song so special to her is that it’s a reflection of her real-life love story with her fiancé, Brandon Blackstock. (AUDIO INFO BELOW)
- The digital single for “Tie It Up” is out now, and you can find it right here, on iTunes!
- Wedding Twitter — Earlier this week, Kelly tweeted: Introducing my official “Maid of Honor” Miss Ashley Donovan ladies and gentlemen : ) pic.twitter.com/rl9Zy61zQ1
- Follow Kelly on Twitter @kelly_clarkson!
Kelly Clarkson says that her song “Tie It Up” is very true to her real life. (:34)
“What’s really cool about ‘Tie It Up’ is one of my friends, who’s actually my assistant, she wrote the song with a couple of my other friends, and she was actually with me the first day I met Brandon. And so she kind of wrote about our whole story, like, and that’s what the whole song is about: my whole story of everything. And it’s cool! It’s just such a unique song for me because it’s about my life, like what’s happening right now. We’re planning, we’re doing all that we’re talkin’ about in the song, and also it’s cool because one of my close girlfriends that I’ve had forever was there, you know, when I met the love of my life, and the whole song, it’s so…God, I want to barf listening to myself, but it’s…it is that cheesy and awesome!”