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KANE BROWN: What Ifs With Kane And Lauren

Kane Brown‘s new single “What Ifs” features fellow country singer and former high school classmate Lauren Alaina. While the two friends sound great singing “What Ifs,” the pair recently sat down together to have a little “what if” conversation–ranging from “What if you had to give up pizza forever?” to “What if you could be on any reality TV or game show? Which one would it be?” The old friends shocked and complimented each other with their answers, and in the end learned a little bit more about one another in process. You can watch Kane and Lauren’s “what if” conversation by heading to Kane’s Facebook page, or you can just click right HERE

audio  Kane Brown and Lauren Alaina’s “what if” question: What if you had to give up pizza forever? Could you do it?
Lauren: “What if you had to give up pizza forever? Could you do it?”
Kane: “I don’t know, I could probably do it.”
Lauren: “(Gasps) I would die! Are you serious?”
Kane: “I would convert to chicken fingers.”
Lauren: “Cheese, Melted, Crust, Pepperonis”
Kane: “I’m guessing you love pizza”
Lauren: “(Laughs) Yes, that’s why I asked you that question. That’s insanity. There is no way, are you sure? Think about it. Just think about eating a piece of pizza.”
Kane: “I’m not a big pizza guy unless it’s after show food”
Lauren: “K…Well”

audio  Kane Brown and Lauren Alaina’s “what if” question: “What if you were stranded on a deserted island, who would you be with?”
: “What if you were stranded on a deserted island, who would you be with?”
Lauren: “Probably my dad because we just went on this daddy/daughter trip and I feel we would live a long time because he knows how to fish. I’d be taken care of, I would pick my dad.”

audio  Kane Brown and Lauren Alaina’s “what if” question: “What if you could be Batman or Spiderman for the day, who would you choose?”
Lauren: “What if you could be Batman or Spiderman for the day, who would you choose?”
Kane: “I’m going to pick spider man just because he’s got the webs and he can swing from building to building. But Batman does have a pretty cool car and pretty cool bike.
Lauren: “But you already have a cool car…so?”
Kane: “It’s not the batmobile though. (Laughs)”

audio  Kane Brown and Lauren Alaina’s “what if” question: “What if you ever got stuck on a roller coaster, would you ride one again?”
:  “What if you ever got stuck on a roller coaster, would you ride one again?”
Lauren: “Would I get stuck upside down?”
Kane: “I don’t know you are just stuck on a roller coaster.”
Lauren: “How long? See, I’m not good at these questions! I’m going to need more information. (Laughs)”
Kane: “I feel like if you’re stuck there… it’s for at least more than 30 minutes”
Lauren: “Oh no I don’t want that. I don’t want to do that. What are the chances that you get stuck on a roller coaster more than once? So I probably would ride again…Yes! Final answer.”
Kane: “Now what if you get stuck on two roller coasters?”
Lauren: “(Laughs) That wasn’t your question, sir.”

audio  Kane Brown and Lauren Alaina’s “what if” question: “What if you could choose between having super hearing or x-ray vision for a week? Which would you choose?”
: “What if you could choose between having super hearing or x-ray vision for a week? Which would you choose?”
Kane: “I’d probably go with super hearing.”
Lauren: “Why?”
Kane: “Just so I could hear all the people that talk bad about me. (Laughs)”
Lauren: “Nobody has anything bad to say about you.”
Kane: “Yea but you know.”
Lauren: “You are perfect (Laugh). What if all you heard were great things?”
Kane: “That would be awesome. My level of confidence would be up.”
Lauren: “Could you imagine if you could really hear what everybody said? You know when you’re in the mall and people are talking about you and you would hear it.”
Kane: “Yea but you would have to be able to turn it off too. I feel like you would get your feelings hurt sometimes especially if you didn’t want to hear it.”
Lauren: “(Laughs) Turn it down”

audio  Kane Brown and Lauren Alaina’s “what if” question: “What if you could be on any reality TV or game show? Which one would it be?”
: “What if you could be on any reality TV or game show? Which one would it be?”
Lauren: “I’m obsessed with big brother so that would be pretty cool. Don’t they win a lot of money or something crazy if you’re the last person?”
Kane: “I don’t know, but I feel like you could make a lot of people fall in love with you so you would be good. You wouldn’t have to be voted off.”
Lauren: “KANE!”
Kane: “You have to have a good personality.”
Lauren: “I’m funny, is it because I’m hilarious?”
Kane: “Yea, I think you’re good.”
Lauren: “Oh thank you, that was so sweet. Who paid him to say that? (Laughs)”