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KANE BROWN: The Games People Play


Kane Brown is out on the road covering the country with FGL on their Dig Your Roots tour. While on tour, there’s a lot of time spent on a bus traveling from concert to concert, so it’s important to have the bus stocked with entertainment for the trips. You can only watch so much TV, so Kane makes to sure his tour bus also has some games to play with his band and crew. His favorite, and the one he says he’s the champion of on the bus–Rock-em Sock-em Robots. To check out where Kane Brown will be next on the Dig Your Roots tour, head on over to his website Kane Brown Music dot com, or just click HERE

audio  Kane Brown talks about the games he keeps on the tour bus while out on the road. (:16)
“We have Rock-em Sock-em Robots, which I’m the champion at! There’s one that you put the shapes in… I can’t think of the name of it…you put the shapes in, and then there’s a timer, and if you can’t get the shapes out, it pops out, and that’s like everybody’s game…I’m terrible at that game, but it’s fun.”