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KANE BROWN: Say Cheese

Thanks to his songs, like “What Ifs,” Kane Brown is starting to get recognized more and more. The music star who is known for his impact on social media sites, is starting to discover that when he’s out, his fans are noticing him, “its crazy, I mean its cool though because then you’re like okay people do know who I am. So Its like my music is actually getting out there to people. And its awesome getting to just meet everyone that’s supported me to where I’m at.” When he can, Kane makes sure to stop and make a memorable moment for someone, because of one simple reason. “I love my fans so I try to take a picture with anybody I can.” If you love his music, but aren’t sure what Kane looks like, you should check out his video for “What Ifs” that’s on his website, Kane Brown music dot com, or just click HERE

audio  Kane Brown talks about getting noticed by fans when he’s not on stage. (:23)
“Yea its crazy, I mean its cool though because then you’re like okay people do know who I am. So Its like my music is actually getting out there to people. And its awesome getting to just meet everyone that’s supported me to where I’m at. I rarely ever turn down a picture. I love my fans so I try to take a picture with anybody I can.”