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KANE BROWN: Home On Wheels

Kane Brown has spent so much time out on the road playing his new single “What Ifs” in concert, that his tour bus has pretty much become his home. Kane has been playing concert after concert, either opening for others, or playing his own headlining shows that he jokes “I don’t know what to do if I’m not on the tour bus.” But he also says that he hasn’t found “that one” yet. But as soon as he does, he’ll make it feel like home as well. Kane will be spending a lot more time on his home on wheels over the next several months as he’s slated to open for Jason Aldean when the They Don’t Know tour, which also includes Chris Young, kicks off in April. To see where Kane’s tour bus is headed next go to Kane Brown Music dot com, or just click right HERE

audio  Kane Brown talks about his home away from home. (:12)
“The tour bus, it pretty much is home. I don’t know what to do if I’m not on the tour bus. I wouldn’t say I made it home yet just because we’ve been through so many tour buses lately, but once we do find that one tour bus it’ll be home.”