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Kameron Marlowe – We Were Cowboys Album Artwork
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Kameron Marlowe – What We Were Cowboys Album Means To Me (VIDEO)
Kameron Marlowe – What We Were Cowboys Album Means To Me (AUDIO)
“This album means the world to me. It’s just, not everyone gets to record a full length album and do it with someone like Dan Huff and really just put everything they have into it. I mean, we worked endlessly, tirelessly, texting back and forth, calling back and forth, just making sure that everything is absolutely perfect on this record. And not everybody gets to do that. So I’m very blessed and very thankful that I get to have made my first record.”


Kameron Marlowe – We Were Cowboys (VIDEO)
Kameron Marlowe – We Were Cowboys (AUDIO)
So We Were Cowboys is all about kind of how I grew up. We wrote this out in Wyoming me, Tyler Farr and Wyatt McCubbin. And we were sitting out on the back porch. And when we were out there, I had my guitar and I was just kind of playing this guitar lick, which is the opening lick of the song. And we didn’t know what it was, but Tyler kind of came up and was like, what if we wrote a song called We Were Cowboys? So we had to think about that a little bit and then Wyatt kind of spit out the first lines of the song was like daddy watched John Wayne on a corduroy couch. We didn’t know Texas from a whole in the ground, but it roped me in. And then we were like, oh, now we get where this is going. We’re gonna write this guy’s life from when he’s just a young kid ’til he’s growing up going to high school and stuff like that. It turned out to be all of our stories and we are super proud of the way that it turned out.
Kameron Marlowe – Country Boy’s Prayer (VIDEO)
Kameron Marlowe – Country Boy’s Prayer (AUDIO)
Country Boy’s Prayer kind of came out of nowhere to me. I was sitting at the house, and I hadn’t really been looking for songs at this point. I was just kind of like if someone sent me a song I’d listened to it obviously, but I wasn’t really looking. And then my buddy Dan Isbell sent me a song that he wrote with Casey Beathard about then his brother Reed Isbell. And I had to take a listen to it, obviously, because I love to listen to new songs. So it started out and it had this really cool guitar line that also is the opening to the song now. And I remember hearing that and I was like, it caught me off guard and immediately just kind of drug me into the song. And I think what really drew me to the song completely was in the chorus when it talks about grandpa watching through the pearly gates. Talking about how the grandpa wanted the high school team to win state. That’s, I mean, my grandpa I mean, when I lost him last year, he was always at every single Friday night football game and would have craved to see A.L. Brown win. So it just felt like home to me. The song felt like everything that represented me and my story, so I couldn’t not cut it.
Kameron Marlowe – Girl On Fire (VIDEO)
Kameron Marlowe – Girl On Fire (AUDIO)
“Girl on Fire was written between me ,Josh Osborne and Jason Gant. And this was the last song I actually wrote for the record. It was very last minute, I think we’re going into cut and I think two weeks, and I was not prepared at all for this, right. I just already had my mind made up on the songs that I was wanting. And I had this title on my phone. That was also I can’t remember. Is it Alicia Keys? Yeah, I had this thought on my phone. That’s also an Alicia Keys song Girl On Fire. And I was like, how do we write this? And I wanted to write it obviously a different way than Alicia Keys. But I didn’t know if they would be into it. And they weren’t. They were like, let’s change the title to On Fire. And I was like, okay, so I let it live like that. And I actually wrote probably my favorite line ever that I’ve ever written. And that’s I wonder if those Whispering Pines ever told our secrets. And I think when we said that, it kind of set the picture up for the song and for the story that we’re about to tell about these two kids. And we finished up and I listened to the demo about 30 times and I was just like, it’s gotta go on the record. I couldn’t imagine not having it out there.”
Kameron Marlowe – Giving You Up (VIDEO)
Kameron Marlowe – Giving You Up (AUDIO)
So the song Giving You Up is my true story. I wrote this one by myself back in Carolina before I even came to Nashville and really started pursuing music. I had this girl that I was planning on being married to, had a ring, I had a house, I had a car. That I was just excited about growing up, and really having this new life. And two weeks before I was going to propose, she was like, I just don’t think this is going to work out anymore. And I was like, well, I don’t know what to do now. So my life had kind of flipped on his head. So I just started coming to Nashville and started writing songs. And one night I had came home and I was feeling a little down. So I just wanted to write some things that I had in my head that I didn’t want to say to her personally. And I turned out to be writing a song and I would have never guessed it and that songs changed my life.”
Kameron Marlowe – Does It Have To Be Over (VIDEO)
Kameron Marlowe – Does It Have To Be Over (AUDIO)
So Does It Have To Be Over kind of came from a writing retreat. We were sitting down, it was me, Josh Hogue, and Wyatt McCubbin, and we just were like looking for a cool, just different song different style song. So I can’t remember who had the title but they threw that out there and Wyatt is just one of the best guitar players I’ve ever met. So he starts playing this super cool guitar thing, which is where a lot of my songs start, is from a good lick that really starts the song out. And it kind of just formed and we didn’t really know what was going, but we knew it was different and we chase that different sound, and that’s kind of how the song came about. For this song. I’ll leave it up to the listeners interpretation for it but it is kind of about a one night stand.”
Kameron Marlowe – This Old Town (VIDEO)
Kameron Marlowe – This Old Town (AUDIO)
“So This Old Town was written while we were out in Wyoming with Tyler Farr and Wyatt McCubbin. And when we were growing up, we all kind of had the same background, same kind of style living. And we kind of wanted to tell another story about how it was because when we moved out of our town, we didn’t look back until we did. And when we looked back, we realized, dang, we love that town. And it’s something that’s about us and something that we will never forget, even though we don’t get to go back as much as we want to. But when we were younger, I felt like all I wanted to do was leave and I never really cared for the town. I always wanted to find something new and go to a different town and see what they had that was a little better than mine. And now all I can think about is coming back home.”

Kameron Marlowe – Money Ain’t Shit (VIDEO)
Kameron Marlowe – Money Ain’t Shit (AUDIO)
“Money Ain’t Shit was a random song that got sent to me. It was in a big link of songs I had gone through, going through them. And the I think the third one down was called Money Ain’t Shit. Now I usually listen from top to bottom. But I had to listen to it obviously because the title was just eye catching as can be. And when I listened to it, I really just found how much truth was in that song. It’s one of those things where you have all these worldly possessions and people always are chasing more and more of things that you can’t take when you die. And I think that’s how I’ve really tried to live my life and what I’ve really have always been taught when I was growing up. And that’s that my family is never going to leave me my friends always are there for me. And at the end of the day, I really think that money just really doesn’t matter.”
Kameron Marlowe – Fool Me Again (VIDEO)
Kameron Marlowe – Fool Me Again (AUDIO)
“Fool Me Again was a song that wasn’t really being planned on being written. Nobody had a title for it. Nobody really knew where we were going with the song. I was at my buddy Rob Williford’s house, we were kind of sitting up in his studio. And we were listening to a bunch of songs that we loved. And he picked up his guitar and just sort of playing a six eight thing that just kind of, for me, like a six eight groove just really speaks to me and really makes me want to write. And kind of sat there and it was kind of humming around and melodies and things like that. And were just really vibing with the way that the song was flowing. And I think I accidentally said Fool Me Again. And he was like, did you just say, Fool Me Again? I was like, yeah, just said Fool Me Again. He was like, that’s what we’re writing. And I had prior experiences with a girl that kind of made me easily write this song, if that makes sense. It was just really kind of an easy song to write. Once we got into it, me and Rob started it. And then we took it to our buddies of the Warren Brothers, who helped us finish it and it’s one of my favorite songs on the album.”
Kameron Marlowe – Burn Em All (VIDEO)
Kameron Marlowe – Burn Em All (AUDIO)
“So Burn Em All l is one of those songs I wrote, like, right as I moved into Nashville. It was one of the first, probably 15 songs. I remember writing it to a point where we didn’t really know where the song was going because Burn Em All is a weird title. We all know that. I think I’ve met so many people that have called it Burn Em Down and Burn Em Up. There’s a bunch of different Burn Em taglines but not Burn Em All. And I think it was Brinley Addington. He was one of the writers on the song, I think he brought the title to us. And we all kind of looked at him like he was crazy. He was like, how do you write something like that? But once we started piecing the story together, the song came together, and I felt like I had to live on the album.”
Kameron Marlowe – Steady Heart (VIDEO)
Kameron Marlowe – Steady Heart (AUDIO)
“Steady Heart is a love song that really just, I feel like resonates with a lot of people because there’s like this really hard side and this guy that’s just like really stubborn and can’t really change his ways. And then there’s this sweet side and it’s this girl that really just always loves him through all the hardship and they just make this great couple for some reason. And I think that there’s so many people that have that kind of relationship. So it’s another one of my favorite ones that wrote.”
Kameron Marlowe – Over Now (VIDEO)
Kameron Marlowe – Over Now (AUDIO)
“Over Now was the last song that made the record. And we had already been in the process of cutting the record, which is really stressful because like when you already have the songs picked, you’re like, well, do I move one? Do I take one out? And I was like, no, we’re just going to add it. And this one just really it had this sound that I can’t explain. I still can’t explain. I don’t know what sound it is, but it just reminds me of something that I listened to when I was young. And the chorus feels so recognizable and in a way that I couldn’t get it out of my head. So once I heard it, it was just kind of game over for me.”
Kameron Marlowe – Saying Goodbye (VIDEO)
Kameron Marlowe – Saying Goodbye (AUDIO)
Saying Goodbye was another song that, I had had the song for a long time. My buddy had sent it to me a while back. And I had always loved it. And it was kind of my guilty pleasure listen. And we were talking one night and I was like, dude, do you know what? Like, are you doing anything with Saying Goodbye? And he was like, No, I don’t think I’m going to and I was like, Well can I cut it? And we had this like, talk about it and he was like, dude, absolutely, you can cut it. But I think it’s so real. The way that it’s written because like, I’ve been there with a heartbreak before and you can just really feel the emotion in the song.
Kameron Marlowe – Ain’t Enough Whiskey (VIDEO)
Kameron Marlowe – Ain’t Enough Whiskey (AUDIO)
“Ain’t Enough Whiskey was kind of a whim. I wanted to write a blues song really bad. And the writers that I was writing with are not really having it. They were like, I don’t know if we should really write a blues song. But to me, blues is a big way of like my upbringing. I love country and I love blues and I love rock and I have all these different inspirations. So I wanted to at least have a blues song, just to say I wrote one, and I think they didn’t think that it was gonna get cut if it was a blues song. So I was like, kind of showing them up when I cut it. But this song just really speaks about this guy who is sitting at a bar just thinking about this girl that has just walked out on him. And now he’s like, what do I do? So I think left I can think of to do is drink I guess, I guess that’s how it goes. I don’t know.”
Kameron Marlowe – Runnin’ Out On You (VIDEO)
Kameron Marlowe – Runnin’ Out On You (AUDIO)
Runnin’ Out On You is one of those songs that just makes you feel something. And this song is really just about these two people that have tried and they’ve tried and they’ve tried and it just for some reason they can’t get on the same page. So somebody’s got to make the first move to leave. And this guy is the one who’s making the first move to leave. I wanted to do this song with just me acoustic and steel guitar so you could really just feel the emotion. It’s got a very George Jones-esque kind of heartbreak feel to it that just really stands out and you don’t really hear often anymore. And that goes back to some of the songs that I used to love when I grew up.”
Kameron Marlowe – Granny’s Got A Garden (VIDEO)
Kameron Marlowe – Granny’s Got A Garden (AUDIO)
Oh, Granny’s Got A Garden is gonna get me in trouble. My grandma is going to be a little mad. But the real story behind it is, when I was young, I found out that my grandma had started smoking weed. And I had partaken in weed as well, if I want to say it like that. And I kind of showed up at her house one day, and she could smell it immediately, obviously, because she knew exactly what the smell was. I was like, she’ll never know. I’ll spray myself down. She’ll never know. Well, I come in and give her a big hug. She’s like, have you been smoking? And I wasn’t going to lie to my grandma. So I said, well, yes, I’m sorry Grandma Ican leave. I didn’t mean to offend you. And she’s like, well, I need to talk to you back here. So she brings her back room and out pulls a jar of weed starts rolling a joint faster than I’d ever seen anybody roll it. That was the first time I got to smoke with my grandma. So there was only I mean, I had all the reasons in the world that I had to write a song about my granny. Sorry, grandma.”
Kameron Marlowe – Long Way Down (VIDEO)
Kameron Marlowe – Long Way Down (AUDIO)
“Long Way Down is one of those songs that immediately takes you to a time and place. I know exactly where it takes me it takes me to like the Allman Brothers era. It’s just this old school southern rock anthem song. And the way that we cut it was old school southern rock anthem, and that’s exactly how it should be cut. It’s the coolest song in the world. It’s one of my favorites. Totally. That’s why I had to be the last song to just really emd the project and wrap the project up. And we have some great choir backgrounds, some awesome guitar parts and cool solos, and it’s it’s really, really such a cool song.”

Kameron Marlowe
CREDIT: Spidey Smith | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube | TikTok

Media Contact:
Courtney Beebe
Sony Music Nashville

Contacts for The Oriel Company:
Carleen Donovan,
Charlotte Burke Bass,
Rebecca Kerr,