Below are some Audio and Video Assets to support the release of Kameron Marlowe’s debut self-titled EP including Story Behind the Song, Intro and Audio work parts.
Having my very first EP come out as a signed artist, it’s almost breathtaking man because I really did think that I was going to be in the world of auto parts forever. And, I really thought that I was going to work a 9 to 5, never leave my hometown. And, to be able to be in Nashville now and to be able to chase this the way that I am and have this platform, man, it’s awesome. It really is.

CLICK HERE or image above for high resolution versions of the video cut x cuts below
AUDIO and VIDEO version for Kameron Marlowe’s Debut Self-titled EP Song Cut x Cuts
“Giving You Up” was one of the first songs that I had ever written, it came from a real place. I went through this very bad break up, I thought I was going to marry this girl, she broke my heart and I really didn’t know what to do. I came home one night and I just needed to vent, I didn’t want to tell everybody, I just needed to say some things for myself. I came home and I wrote this long, long paragraph almost of things that I wanted to say, and it came down to just two verses. I wrote the chorus, the chorus just kind of flowed out of me immediately, and it turned out to be what we have now, and it’s a really special song for me. I’ve gotten so many messages and so many letters about people that have just told me thank you for writing this song, and that’s just really special to me, and that’s what it’s all about for me is fan engagement where they really feel my music and understand. Just that they can relate to the song, I think it’s really special that I’ve built this bond with my fan base over one song. It’s been absolutely incredible just to see the feedback from it. I never would have thought that people would actually listen to my song. I put it out there just because I didn’t have anything out, I just wanted to have a song out, and then it ended up getting on some playlists and then all this other stuff. Then people started listening to it and all that. It ended up getting me my record deal, and I’m very blessed and I can’t say anything other than that.
With “Sober As A Drunk” I moved into town, I was writing, but I didn’t feel like my songs were really up to par yet. This is one of the very first songs that I cut on the outside that someone else wrote. I love the song, the very first time I heard it, it was very captivating to me, the melodies and the rhythm of the song, it’s always just really hit me. So when I got the chance to cut it I just knew I had to. I think that listeners will take away the comparison aspect, that’s one of the coolest parts of the song. “I’m as sober as a drunk, as high as rock bottom. I love the two, the double negative thing there. That’s one of my favorite parts of that song and the way it’s written, it’s really cool.
“Going There Today” I was newer in town, it was when I first moved into town, I went and took another publishing meeting and they were playing me some songs just to let me hear what the other writers were writing, and one of the songs that was played was “Going There Today,” and from the freaking demo man, the person that was singing the song, it just captivated me, and that song has just always been one of my favorite songs that I’ve listened to in this town. When I got the chance to put it on my EP I was so excited to be able to have that opportunity. Songwriting was so fresh and so new when I moved into town that I knew that there were so many great people in this town, I knew there were great songs, and a lot of these publishing companies are chalk full of just great songs people haven’t cut because artists want to release their own songs that they write, and I do too, on my EP I’ve written most of those, but I’ve always had the philosophy that the best song wins, so if I hear just an incredible song, that song wins to me. Once I heard “Going There Today,” man it just really did captivate me, the demo, it was so good and I was so fresh into town that I felt honored to be in the place that I was because I’d never taken a publishing meeting really before, I had one prior to that, and this was my second, so getting to hear what songs were coming out of this city was really cool. I can’t wait for people to hear it, I think it’s going to be awesome, I’m excited to see what it does.
“Burn ‘Em All,” we wrote that on a Friday. I think we pitched out like six different titles, nothing was sticking. We were in a rut, had no idea what we were going to write. I’m pretty sure Joey, who is one of the guys I wrote it with, I’m pretty sure he pitched out the title “Burn ‘Em All” and we were like what the heck does that mean? He was like, live up the weekend, have a good time kind of thing. We were so brain-dead from the week that we’d had, we all came in just done to be honest with you. We were like well yeah that’s kind of the place that we’re at, we’re ready for the weekend, we’re ready to have a good time. The chorus kind of flowed, we understood what we were saying in the chorus, but the verses we had to fight for a little bit. We wrote and we wrote, we ended up writing that one in like six hours, so we were really done by the time that we finished it. I am excited for that song, and I’m stoked for the way that it turned out. This song really just goes out to the frontline workers, and the people that are putting in their 9-5 every day, it’s just for people that are over the work week. I don’t think that’s a wrong thing to say, that you’re tired of being at work and ready to have a little fun. So this if for the people that want to have a little fun. Having that hometown 9-5 job that just felt monotonous every day, I know what it’s like to want to have some time off and just enjoy time with my buddies
“Hungover” came from a real spot as well. I wrote that because I woke up, I had had a rough night in Midtown, I think it was Red Door is where we were at. We just drank our asses off to be honest with you, for some reason we just decided to throw down that night. We didn’t have anything we were celebrating, but I woke up the next day and had a write, which was just dumb on my part to go out and drink the night before. I remember waking up and I was like my mouth is dry, you know when you wake up and you’re super hazy, and you’re mouth is just dry. I wrote down, “I woke up a little hazed over this morning.” After that the next line rolled and the next line rolled. I came in, my roommate was actually with me at the bar and he helped write this song, so we wrote like half the verse and then got half the chorus. I took it to my write that day and we finished the song in the write. Yeah that was head
pounding for sure, I remember just drinking as much water as I possibly could when I was trying to write that day. I was taking Advil, I was doing everything I could, but we finally fought through and we got the song out, and I’m very happy with it, it’s one of my favorite songs that we play.
INTRO and OUTRO AUDIO for Kameron Marlowe’s Debut Self-titled EP
NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Rising star Kameron Marlowe’s self-titled EP is available now. Listen here.
“Never in a million years did I think I would be releasing my debut EP under Columbia Nashville,” said Marlowe. “These songs are my journey from heartbreak to starting over and chasing a dream. I thought I would be the guy selling car parts for the rest of my life and now I’m here.”
The exciting new talent is quickly establishing himself as one to watch, as Entertainment Focus declared “With his self-titled EP Kameron Marlowe is making a bold statement.” NY Country Swag echoed “Kameron Marlowe is the real deal, and it is only just the beginning for the budding star,” and MusicRow touted Marlowe as “Super promising.” EverythingNash praised “If country music had a missing link, it might have just been found with Kameron Marlowe.”
Marlowe is set to open for Chris Young at a socially-distanced concert in Lawrenceville, GA tomorrow (11/14) at Coolray Field.
Kameron Marlowe EP
1. Giving You Up (Kameron Marlowe)
2. Sober as a Drunk (Marv Green, J.T. Harding, Justin Wilson)
3. Goin’ There Today (Dan Isbell, Reid Isbell, Drew Parker)
4. Burn ‘Em All (Kameron Marlowe, Brinley Addington, Aaron Eshuis, Joey Hyde)
5. Hungover (Kameron Marlowe, Joe Clemmons, Aaron Eshuis, Matthew Gatewood)
6. Leavin’ to Me (Kameron Marlowe, Kyle James)