“Hey it’s Jameson Rodgers and this is my song Built For Heartbreak.”
“Built For Heartbreak is a song that got pitched to me. It’s a song I wish I had written. My friends Hillary Lindsey, John Byron and Chris LaCorte wrote this song. It’s a song that got pitched to me. As I was going into the studio and recording some songs, you know, the process in Nashville is that people send a bunch of songs in hopes that the artists will cut one. Well this one was pitched to me and I listened to this thing 500 times in my truck, and that’s kind of the test for me if they can stand the test of my truck speakers and not get old to me as a listener. It’s a good sign for me. It’s just a song that- it’s about somebody that’s going through it, you know what I mean, and everybody has been through it at some point. It’s just a good old heartbreak song and so those are some of my favorite songs growing up and to this day, and so, had to put my vocals on it.“
“Hey it’s Jameson Rodgers and that was my song Built For Heartbreak.”