“Hey it’s Jameson Rodgers”
“This is Jameson Rodgers”
“Hey this is Jameson Rodgers”
“…and this is my song”
“…and that was my song”
“Whiskey Train”
“If I Was Doing Any Better”
“Bury Me With My Guitar”
“Whiskey Train is a song I wrote on a writing retreat with Smith Ahnquist, Lynn Hutton and Will Bundy. And we had been drinking a few Miller Lites all day. And Lynn Hutton asked all of us he was going upstairs to get us all a fresh beer. So he asked, he asked all of us I was like, Yes. Will was like, Yeah, I’ll take one. Yeah, Smith. He’s like Smith and another beer. And Smith was like, nah man, I’m on the whiskey train now. And so we all looked at each other and stopped writing whatever song we were writing at that time, and wrote this one in about two hours. It’s a super fun song and it’ll be one we open the show with for a long time.“
“Bury Me With My Guitar is a song I wrote with Brent Anderson, Jake Mitchell and Hunter Phelps on a writing retreat. I had the idea in my phone, I threw it out there. I didn’t really know… sometimes you just write titles down. I wish I could remember where I write, come up with ideas all the time, but I probably write a few in there, weekly, and so you forget where you come up with them. I threw the idea out there, Brent started playing it. And pretty soon it was four grown men sitting around a fire, crying, writing a song about how music is just, how much music has done for us in our lives. I mean, it’s, this song’s more than just about a guitar. It’s about our purpose in life, and I hope you’ll enjoy it.“
“If I Was Doing Any Better, the story behind this song, I listen to a lot of podcasts I have about a 35 minute drive into Nashville when I’m coming into town to write and so I like to listen to podcasts. And so last year, I was listening to this guy named Inky Johnson a lot. He’s a motivational speaker. And he has a podcast that he does with one of his friends that he grew up with. And they start the podcast every day with Inky asked his buddy Oak, how are we doing today Oak? And oak starts it every time with man if I was doing any better, I’d have to go to heaven. And so I hear this over and over, about the fifth time I hear it I’m just like, man, If I Was Doing Any Better is a cool title. And so I wrote it in my phone. Didn’t really know what to do with it at the time. Couple weeks go by I have a right with Brent Anderson in Austin Goodlowe. And I’m scanning through ideas before I get to the right and I see that title. And I’m just like, man, what can we do with that? Why don’t we make it a heartbreak song as a songwriter. I like to go into storyteller mode and kind of go into a time and place when maybe I was heartbroken. I love going back in time and writing songs from that place and so I threw the idea out to them and Austin had this cool, the guitar lick you hear in the song and a few hours later this song was born.“