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JAKE OWEN: Pearls Of Wisdom

When Jake Owen is in concert performing his songs, like his latest single “Good Company,” you might notice that he has a few cool tattoos…but one of them has a pretty incredible story behind it. On Jake’s wrist is the name “Pearl,” which is often hard to spot because it is usually covered by some of his bracelets. Those who actually do notice the tattoo, mistakenly assume that it is symbolic of Jake’s daughter who’s name is Pearl – but its not. The tattoo actually represents Jake’s god mother who he was extremely close to, “Believe it or not its funny how many people haven’t noticed it. This is the first tattoo I ever got and this was probably 8 or 9 years ago I got this. I got this for my God Mother who’s name was Pearl, I called Pearl. And before she had ever passed away, she was doing just great but Pearl was a woman that, she was my dad’s good business partner and they worked together for a long time but she became my angel in life and someone that I learned a lot from because of the things she did.” Jake reflects on everything he took from the relationship he had with Pearl and how impactful her influence was on him, “She was honest and she was very candid and brash and vulnerable at times and I think that’s where I learned a lot from her. So I tattooed that on my wrist one day, on my birthday and she was so mad at me for doing it but I told her I did it because I always liked to carry her with me and I said if I ever had a child and it was a girl, I was going to name her Pearl anyways so it just made sense.”  When his god mother’s health declined, Jake just so happened to be expecting a daughter, “she was passing away at the exact same time that we found out that we were having a daughter and I got to tell her that we were going to name her Pearl. And it’s funny now because of that, everyone notices this tattoo.” After his god mother passed, Jake’s daughter, Pearl was born and even more meaning was added to the tattoo on Jake’s wrist. Per Jake’s posts on Instagram, he loves being a father and spending time with his daughter Pearl.  There is no question that Jake Owen is always in good company with his sweet daughter Pearl in his life, and the memory of his god mother Pearl, that he carries on his wrist.

audio  Jake Owen shares the story behind the tattoo on his wrist that says “Pearl.” (:67)
“Believe it or not its funny how many people haven’t noticed it. This is the first tattoo I ever got and this was probably 8 or 9 years ago I got this. I got this for my God Mother who’s name was Pearl, I called Pearl. And before she had ever passed away, she was doing just great but Pearl was a woman that, she was my dad’s good business partner and they worked together for a long time but she became my angel in life and someone that I learned a lot from because of the things she did. She was honest and she was very candid and brash and vulnerable at times and I think that’s where I learned a lot from her. So I tattooed that on my wrist one day, on my birthday and she was so mad at me for doing it but I told her I did it because I always liked to carry her with me and I said if I ever had a child and it was a girl, I was going to name her Pearl anyways so it just made sense. It just so happened to be very weird and ironic that within the next couple of years her health declined and she was passing away at the exact same time that we found out that we were having a daughter and I got to tell her that we were going to name her Pearl. And its funny now because of that, everyone notices this tattoo.”